Technology can only access technology

in cannabis-dnadamage •  6 years ago 

Original upload by Tony Pantalleresco Military smoking cannabis and having genetic damage, DNA and reproductive organ damage. These results are due to the spraying of a pesticide azadirachtin (Azadirachtin (C35H44O16) is the most active principle present in neem extract, and structural analysis suggests its genotoxicity and carcinogenicity, as well predicting that it may cause cellular toxicity (Rosenkranz & Klopman, 1995a, 1995b) , which also makes marijuana addictive and can kill.

Pharmaceuticals are a double- edged sword, working and negating at the same time. In regards to what they give and what they take: Solutions to get of the toxic weed and to remove from system.

We are at war. FOS on good and bad alien. War has been initiated toward us. No mandella effect. All AI integration and AI hologram replacing reality, resetting the hologram. If you are not assimilated, we will stick out like a sore thumb. We will be right.

A map of star cities--indicative of higher mathematics, meaning something is here with a higher level of sciences. We are at war--biggest asset we have if you are awake is the capacity to learn and develop and come up with solutions.

Technology can only access technology, and we are accessed due to the technology inside of us.

Can no longer assume that what we have the same as it was decades ago, not even 10 years ago.

50's and 60's babies were the prototypes for the later generations and had no interfering genetics to speak of. They are now nano-loaded.


Wireless Radiation: Stop 5G network on earth and in space, devastating impacts on health and environment

Nano-safety 2017 on 11-13 October 2017 in Saarbücken, Germany ( )

Weaponization of artificial intelligence

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HerbsPlusBeadWorks' remedies
collaborators: i) Suzanne Maher's
protocols for colon health

contact details for consultation: independz at yahoo dot com

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