How Exactly Does Cannabis Work To Kill Cancer Cells?

in cannabis-oil •  8 years ago  (edited)

First let me first say this is something I find fascinating as I live an alternative lifestyle, and with that said the information here is composed of various online articles and resources I have personally studied, researched and reviewed for information and educational purposes only. I am not a medical expert in any way at all, however I strongly believe in the healing power of cannabis.

My journey towards better understanding the healing power of cannabis started over three years ago with a unfortunate heart attach at the age of 30. I have suffered with hereditary anxiety for most of my life and this apparently was the cause of excessive stress coupled with work stress and ect.. My heart attach was what they apparently called a "Stress induce arrhythmia" . This caused my heart to not pump properly, my heart rate to rise and my heart eventually exhausted itself.

For a year or so after my episode I was on many different prescription anti-anxiety medications and heart medication. I hated it, I cant explain how awful it made me feel! I took this one thing called 'Cylift' , it made my entire existance feel plastic and I lost my need for self preservation while taking prescription Urbanol. I decided to kick the prescription med's and rather chose to deal with the anxiety. Exercise always helps so that was the best solution I had for some time. While exercising helped for less frequent anxiety attacks, I would still need to deal with the occasional episode now and then.

One day while having a panic attach a friend handed me a joint and said "Don't think just smoke the thing, it will help you I promise!". I can remember thinking, I am busy dying and you are offering me pot!!!! Well I took a hit and the rest is history!

I am proud to say I have now with the use of medical cannabis, not been back to the dock for almost 2 years. I have made a 100% full recovery. Currently I run 5 km every morning after smoking a joint. Once a month I will do a 10 km just to see if I still got it!

Cannabis has also helped me study and educate myself. When I was a child I was considered hyper active with "ADHD" and would have much preferred controlled regulated cannabis as medicine rather that a DOUBLE DOSE of Ritalin every day.

Well enough about me let's continue....

Recently a elderly family friend told us he has pancreatic cancer, and as a user and grower myself I decided to see if it would be possible to help him medicate with cannabis extract. Obviously there is a lot to consider, strain, dosage and making the actual oil extract itself. With the use of some strategic keywords and a simple google search I ended on a site called and found a good starting point for my research and a valuable resource I would like to share!

Today I would like to cover "How cannabis oil works to kill cancer cells", for me personally this is amazing because when I here "kill's cancer cells" I think possibly a cure? I believe we might be onto something and the world is catching on fast. This is my first step in my quest to understanding and a way to possibly help others. It's probably worth mentioning cannabis is illegal in my country but we are working hard busy fighting for medical legalization.

Bio-chemist Dennis Hill started off with a very interesting point, what keeps cancer cells alive?

Dennis explains, when THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor site on the cancer cell, it causes an increase in ceramide synthesis which drives cell death. A normal healthy cell does not produce ceramide in the presence of THC, thus is not affected by the cannabinoid.

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With all my research I am currently doing I have come to realize one of the most important factors of using cannabis effectively for cancer treatment is a regulated controlled dose, This is so important! Cannabis has many different medical properties and growing in a controlled environment is essential.

Below you will find some useful sites and the source of my information for this post.

Thanks for reading

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Interesting read! I'm new to all this steemit stuff. Hoping people start opening their eyes to the healing properties of cannabis 🍁🌿🍃

Nice article @bitminter.. I was learn how to make oil from Rick Simpson personally. When i was meet him first time, he completly change my way of life.

That's awesome thank you for sharing, possibly you can write about it I would like to know more. Thanks

Im sorry for my english first its not perfect..;)I meet Rick first time about 7 years ago in my city in Czech Republic, was just after he move to my country from Canada. Before that i dont know much about medical side of cannabis. After that meeting we become friends. He was live about 100km from my city so was not to big deal to visit him many times in his home in Olomouc. He teach me how to make good oil (Phoenix Tears) and others product from oil like capsules and his famous ass shots. .:) I just invitive him to steemit so maybe we ill see his blog here soon..:D

Wow that is very very cool thank you! I am very happy you found this post thank you for your feed back and let us know how it goes. Cheerz

A geat way to make it from home is to use a large crock pot with high and low settings. Use every part of the plant and OLIVE OIL. The olive oil is more durable than regular oils like canola and can take the extended infusion.

Put it all in the crock pot on low, stir gently every 30 minutes. Takes about 8 hours. Make sure the setting is on low at all times.

When done, run through a metal sieve or cheese cloth several times, sieve is easier. Bottle in mason jars. Allow to cool before sealing with lid.

I like to drizzle on cherry tomatos cut in half on a salad but that's just me :) Only do so if you're a licensed MMJ user tho !

@vegascomic thanks for the info, I am learning every day and personally I am looking for a way to take my meds without having to smoke. How long can you store your oils for? Also do you have a method for controlling or regulating the amount of cannabinoids? Thanks appreciate it

Mostly, you can raise and lower the potency based on how much bud you actually use. Hold it back and add as needed. Also depends on how quality the original plant is.

Use a food processor on the stem stal and seed. Pulse only gently. Don't pulverize it.

Start with a single drop on something, eat it or use an eye dropper for a single drop on the tongue. Figure out what you personal tolerance is.

Ok perfect thank you very much for the great info it give me a good reference to start new research. Much appreciated!

Great post! Here is a link to my post on the same subject.

Thanks for sharing, Great post and good information. Cheerz

Very interesting information, Does cannabis have lot's of different medical uses? I find it interesting that one plant can have so many uses how is that possible? Thanks

@virtashare thanks for following and the question. Yes cannabis has many many amazing medical uses, a simple google search will do. Cannabis has the ability to help with countless physical and mental medical conditions when used as a controlled substance. However anyone can benefit in daily life from the correct use of cannabis oils and products .

its is helping loads of people suffering with epilepsy amongst other things 😄