RE: More Than 80 Percent Fewer Cannabis Dispensaries Found Following Legalization

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More Than 80 Percent Fewer Cannabis Dispensaries Found Following Legalization

in cannabis •  6 years ago 


Your article says it is about the effects of legalization vs criminal prohibition...

But, what you are actually talking about is being "regulated" vs criminal prohibition.

When you speak of being "legal" it is not actually legal until it is as legal as growing roses.

If cannabis were actually legal "like roses" then anyone could grow and sell as much as they see fit. In that case anyone who wanted to could either grow their own or pay a very small fee (due to massive competition in a truly legal market) for someone else to grow it for them.

There is yet to be any jurisdiction where cannabis is actually legal that I know of. If you know of one, please let me know?

Btw, I live in Nevada City, California where legalization now finances arresting people who do not get licensed ( refuse on principle, can't afford to, aren't allowed, etc). The price of cannabis has fallen so low that the local economy is collapsing.

Freedom and actual free markets don't necessarily create concentrated wealth, in fact they tend to do the opposite. It is only regulated markets that concentrate wealth by limiting who is allowed to be a producer and who must be a consumer. This way supply and demand are structured to artificially inflate scarcity and thereby prices. The same artificially inflated prices happen even more during prohibition.

Regulation and decriminalization is a controlled market without filling prisons and gives a license to those who can afford it. Prohibition and criminalization is a controlled market that fills prisons and "licenses" are not given - they are taken by those willing to break the law.

I would rather be actually free with an actual free market full of cheap/free cannabis then be getting rich off cannabis because others are going to prison for it.

Love Honor Respect

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