Harbor Collective' Own Girlscout Cookies strain that they grow themself! Just hungout with a friend from Harbor Collective and he drove me around in his Nissan GTR and I was literally shaking. He said I can put strays Steem Stickers on his GTR

in cannabis •  7 years ago 


Here is a quick shot of the new strains from Harbor Collective that they grew themself. Oh and he had a T shirt which has a picture of the machine that he has scientists running all legal with state and local permission. I must get steem integrated into this. Steemconnect +weedmaps must happen. Who wants to help me build a better smoke network but for steem?

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There are alot of developers here on steemit to help you build and integrate smoke network into the steem blochain, that will be very nice for cannabis fans here on steemit to engage with

So what's the procedure to get a Steemit email address?

work for steemit inc lol and steemit.com and @steemit.com email addresses hmm how about @steem.io or steem.org lol we need steem email serves to use steem accounts to send messages using steem blog posts and comments for the replies and a specisl front end to sort it all in a nice email sort of website liek gmail. and ion steemit.com the messages would all just appear as posts and comments but on our email fronte nd it could look like messages, and memo kleys can make thenm private so on steemit.com its scrambled but when u view thru our fronte nd it can descramble it using oru own pgp lkeys or posting and memo keys

has this become all legal in America ? sir

just in my state and many other states soon the majority of states will have medical or recreational cannabis
Trump has stated he will leave the states alone just like Obama was doing. Its generating too much money for local economies.

nice one bro 🤜🤛 I'm smoking a nice bit of UK lemon

are you sure, and authorized in your country ..?

yes it is legal here 100%
Here you can even see we have websites showing options for Delivery and Menus wshowing all the legally available products, all products come in sealed child proof locked packages and its all taxesd and regulated

Surely none of this would be so developed with menus and product reviews if it wasnt legal and authorized by the government? :) :D its great man and its been legal for many years medicinally and now its legal recreationally for all over the age of 21

Nice Nugz! Yeah man let's integrate cannabis with steem! I want to help you build a better smoke network for steem, for sure! Check my blog you'll know what I'm saying xD

You have my support Brother,i would help you