My Cannabis plants just began to flower in the SoCal sun! "THC Bomb" strain getting taller than me, biggest plant Ive ever had! Plus ChemDawg4 and PurpleUrkle and Centpedes and Flathead worms come out at night around my treehouse!

in cannabis •  8 years ago 

So here is an update on my THC Bombplant that was getting huge, and i didnt kmnow it would begin to flower at the end of July, I thought it would flower in the fall closer to September or October, but I looked it up and I guess its because they are clones? And that now the sunlight is getting less and less as the longest day of the year already passed? I realize I need someone to give me professional cannabis plant cycle help to give my vegging plants a better grow cycle because I realize I should have better control and I need to learn about light blocking and I need to suppliment my outdoor plants with extra lights etc etc

here is Chemdawg4 i just replanted into a bigger pot, VERY scared I destroyed its rot system but its fine! I was lucky I didn't destroy its roots when I took it out of the small pot like when my Devils tear was carelessly moved by someone, and it totally died, yah dont move your plants into new pots unless you have multiple people ready to hold the rot sphere together with their hands!

Another shot of the THC Bomb that is getting huge

And then another strain I just moved from indoor to outdor to veg in the summer sun and now flower, I have to go double check the tag to remember what strain that was, might be 707headband

And HERE is the Purple Urkle plant I have recently moved into the sun, and it is so healthy and growing so thicc, its got a big pot and thats why its so strong, and its got good genetics, and for god luck it has a small Ayahuasca Plant leaf growing in its pot, a Psychotria Viridis plant that I have rooting next to it, i think the DMT it produces is synergizing with the THC lol everything I could ever need, THC and DMT growing side by side!

And here's a shot of all of the plants I have out in the sunlight al growing very well, Purple urkle, 707 headband THC Bomb and chemdawg4

here is a selfie shot of me trying to show how big the THC Bomb plant has gotten, and its hard to hold the camera far enough away to show the relative size of this thing!

Just look how EXTRA THICC this Tree Trunk has become! I just hope this plant continues to flower all female and does not turn hermaphrodite since as you can see hre, it was already flowering in the sun earlier in the summer, and it went back into veg and grew WAY taller and now its finally going back to flower! No sign of male flowers yet so i am just going to assume its all good!

Extra thicc!

Here they all are again in another shot, wow I feel so lucky to have these plants, such amazing genetics, sure I did the work to grow them, and I tnd them everyday to keep the bugs and dead leaves out and I water them and feed them but the breeders did most of the work tyo make them this strong, people at Humboldt's Finest Farms and then Desert Rose Nursery and harbor collective for operating stories where I can come buy them!

Wow I hope you al don't get too jealous, anyone who lives in California can have this! This clon was just $15 and I grew it myself this big, vegging under cheap $1 CFL and LED light bulbs from home depot, but mostly they got that big from natural summer vegging sunlight! (And with supplemental lights on a $3 timer you can veg or flower outdoor anytime of the year, so ANYONE can do this! the plant does most of the work! I haven't even fed them any special nutrients! I just have really good nitrogen rich soil from my tropical backyard and I SHOULD be feeding these plants some fish fertilizer nitrogen juice, but I really haven't even done that yet! So These plants don't need anything soon as these flower I WILL want to feed them lots of natural Phosphorus and Potassium (Ph K which I will get from Fre kelp at the beach) to get their flowers nice and big but even that happen without much extra work from the human...the plant just GROWS and so don't feel bad if your plant isn't this big, its all from the plants genetics which are a credit to the THC bomb Breeders and Humboldt's FInest Farms ....

Another shot of my head in the leaves of the THC Bomb Cannabis plant

Here is what they look like at Night time (A few days ago) they appear to fold up at night or they seem to stretch out moe in the day! And the leaves are also visibly very good at absorbing light as you can see the light getting captured when u hold the LED up to a leaf, they lock the light from my phones LED very well and absorb all the light! Hard to explain and I need to take a photo of video of me shining light behind a LEaf so you can see how its like fiber optics and how the whole leaf glows. There are lots of cool nature things that i am lucky enough to get to enjoy by myself in my tropical jungle backyard and I will share them with you all

I love catching strange creatures back here, so here is a crazy Centipede I found hiding under my hose! They scurry around at night eating up bugs, I love them! They are natural pest control! If you find one in your home never kill it! They wont hurt you and they eat up all the pest insects! And theyre so fast they can usually run out of your sight before the lights even get turned on!

And then I saw this Flat head worm with such a long body and col stripes along its back!

This thing I have never seen before! First time catching this species in my backyard! Its head was being used to feel around its environment, some sort of tactile sensory organ

At night I use my iphone LD flashlight and camera and find so many cool tiny animals from insects to mollusks, so many different types! Predators and prey, scavengers slugs, potato bugs, swear I will even find ocean creatures since i only live 10 minute drive to the ocean and they might hitch a ride on cars etc an I will start taking moe photos of the slugs and snails and spiders i find here, and eventually I want to get a micro camera rig to explore the backyard from the insects viewpoint! Maybe a tiny camera on a remote control car or something smaller like a camera on a small tube! I have captured some amazing scenes with my eyes at night, like centipedes an spiders fighting on the forest floor, or bugs crawling along a network of tree branches and I would love to start recording this stuff more often for steemit!

Just imagine all the stuff in this bamboo! And the trees above it! There are all sorts of mammals and birds here too, can't wait to show you the wild parrots that fly around San Diego! I have seen them in my backyard before in the bamboo! They make a distinct parrot noise so everyone gets excited when they hear them! It's like proof that we are turning this desert into a tropical paradise and even wild parrots from Mexico are ready to move in!

We also have native birds here too and owls and hawks and eagles and all sorts of colorful and song singing birds that are like a natural alarmclock, and I always make sure to ad seeds to the bird feeders and I should be filling the hummingbird feeders but the hummingbirds have plenty of flowers now, anyway theres a very cool ecosystem here and I will document a the wild animals I see here from now on!

My Cannabis Strains are all purchased from Harbor Collective an Diego which gts their clones from Desert Rose Nursery which gets their seeds from Humboldts Finest Farms

belo are Clones at Harbor Collective provided by Desert Rose Nursery ($15 each! i am so lucky! Ima buy some new ones soon)

A shot of me at Harbor Collective with the Bud Tender very excitd!

Here is me in front of all the Wax and concentrates and dabs and keif and hash etc

And look at all those THC Vape Pen Cartridges! I still have my 2 out of 4 grams of Skywalker OG ! But best deals the 6 grams of Blue Dream wax for $100 just $16 a gram! Cartridges can be like $60 a gram or $100 a gram some places, even here you get better deal getting wax over getting nice convenient cartridges! Anyway I should save some photos for next post! I love you all cannabis steemit users and if you're ever in san diego Ill help you get whatever you need and ill get you clones ill help MAKE you some clones if you ant, and ill be here to help! It's all legal here so don't ask me to send stuff in the mail, I am not a darknet market seller, go ask the darknet if you ant stuff mailed to you! But if you wanna come here to San Diego and youre over 18 I can help you!

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

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worms will own the earth, some day


She's a beast!

That's a weird-ass worm.

They are all looking real good my friend. Thanks for sharing all the awesome pictures. I can't wait to see the finished nugs :)


comin to san diego soon bro lol

ya man hit me up! look at my plants

this green crack kinds smallbut will stretch

and green crack

awhhh lookin good bro, cant wait to see em stretch out, gonna send you some pics of mine soon!

Those cannabis plants are looking pretty awesome, man!
That flathead worm is about the weirdest thing I've seen...

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

yeah i jhope its a new species that i discovered!
I found a really cool cricket thing on my plants and its on a cannabis plant in the front yard now when i only found this cricket in the BACKyard before,m and so it likes hanging out on the cannabis plants! And that flat head worm moved its flatheaed around like it was feeling with it!

im watching @trevvonjb right now on a live youtube stream

if u catch this comment soon youll get to watch it live too! hes powering down heh im tryin tio convince him to not powerdown but itsok hes brought in a lot of people to stemit so he can powerdown without looking bad, its crazy that we can guilt each other into niot powering down hah but we gotta do what we gotta do haha

i hope that we can offset my lazines with breakthroughs in social media marketing! im gonna try and do 8 hours of steemit today

Excellent plants!

Definitely look into into Light deprivation. It's one thing you could do to dramatically increase quality. Good soil will go a long way as well. Outdoor is a bitch here in the desert. I stay inside ha ha.

ya i gave some plamnts to @monkimo and he face times me showing them and i wa slike 'Turnthat fan off dude its blasting the plants" and he was like "thats just th wind" and yeah the plants couldnt survive in the desert in 110 degree weather i guess, they needed a greenhouse, yeah desert is harsh, i thought they could make it haha they arent invincible lol but wiuth irrigation and on the coast its a garden of eden for cannabis plants here, i guess norcal and oregon is the optimal place but socal has more sun and i dunno, i guess they dont like the heat they like teh cold liek norcal jhas and the soil is so much better in norcal, sierra nevada soil so good. i bought some soil from Seqouia national park once that was for growing a seqouia tree, thats a tree we always wanted to grow and which u could buy a seedling of at the gift shops, a giant redwood seqouia tree, andthey NEVER fuckin grew down here haha

i wish i could grow seqouia trees indoor now

I still have Two Giant Seqouia Pine Cones I took as a child from the base of the Tallest Tree in the World, the general Sherman tree, but its a pionecone so i think I have to break it apart and get these seeds

Crazy that this bcomes this

Man california is so cool, Who else can say they have the biggest trees on the planet? I think that shows how fertile the soil is, and the overall life force of the area it has the BEST ingrdiants for life, its why everyone wants to livehere, its the quartz crystal matrix bed undenatth the state nd al the Gold it acts as some sort of Antennae for "Good Vibes" lol just kidding

Seriously though everyone should just live in California, we could have plenty of room out in the desert if we had cheapo solar power and nano tech robots to just build the desert into nice places, like build european style villas, places that are fun to explore, it wouldnt be that difficult, well, maybe 7 billion oeople in california isnt a goodidea, but its just so nice here i want evryone to get to experience it.....

Then again theres plenty of beautofulplaces, some places may actualy be more beaytiful than caoifornia like Ecuador, but we have a special type of forst here, the northern california experience is just so pure and cleana d cold not too cold but its like crystal blue lakes and quartz crystal caves and red wood trees...that feling of camping out in the mountains its just so nice...and theres still legit wilderness out there, like u can just look out and theers NOTHING, (theres maybe a fw cabins hre and there but they are supr remote)

You can grow outdoor out here it's just not optimal. There are a lot of greenhouses though. I actually lived in cali for two years. I moved back here a year ago for this job.

Beautiful! thank you for sharing!

This is my first season in So-Cal, and my girls are flowering a month earlier than I expected as well!

ya its crazy I had to look up if this was normal and it is, but i have to start reaizing the buiuldings here may block my light and so i need supplimental lughst when i veg outdors, gotta control ur lights!

Basically with supplimental lighst we an veg AND flower Outdor Al year roung


Your folks are cool with the plants? Neat worms, too.

They are legal here! And i have a medical card so its legal in two different ways! twice as legal!
but ys they are cool with it because they like plants and they think they look cool and fit in with the rest of the garden, but also they recognize that Im good at it and it saves me A LOT of money , they see that i dont ever have to go to dispnesary if i just grow enough (i stil go for wax but soon il ave enough bud to press into my own wax but ill still always get wax at dispensary cuz its so cheap $16 a gram and if thats olut still $25 a gram is still great and the wax lasts so long when i just ue one lil dab at a atime in my coil ecg vape pen

but yeah im super lucky to have all the right ingredients to grow

I also just was confident enough to see the plants being sold at my dispensary and knew I could do it, and so far out of the ovr one hundred plants ive been growing over last few years i maybe only lost a handful, most recent loss was someone transplantd my big devils tear and roots died, but it had plenty of clones made before that happened so its technically still alive actually hmmmyes so its fine

But yeah I got into gowing and THEN i got into cryptoi and mining and steemit and now i have enough money to buy more clones but i also have cloning gell and make my own clons i should be making many many more tho ND i should pop my seeds

i have no excuse but lack of space, and i still have plenty of room in my indoor grow room so i can veg in there all year and flower outside, i should be vegging outside with supplimental lights yeah i jhave no excuse

i shoul be growing 1000s of plants! If u wanna buy a clone for $15 i will go pick it up, whatver strain u want, and ill grow it and take care of it for u, and wen its rady tobe harvetsed, well split it lol, so for $15 u will get ounces of weed or maybe moe if we can get it as big as the THC bomb is! And buy the stuff well need like dr earths flower girl potassium and phosphorus mix, to get it flowering real big, or just let it floqwer off the dank soil i have ...anyway i could do a grow for steemit users who arent in a legal growing state

ill grow for people and they can just come to san diego and pick it up when they want! Ill hold it for them as long as they need sealed in some bags ready for them heh, its all legal i am even allowed to sell weed that I grow, and u can even sell weed even if u dont grow it, and the cops just dont care anymore and honestly they are happy to not have to deal with canabis,its great, u go in the hod now and theres black run cannabios dispensaires where you see gusy who prob;ly used to be gang members selin weed illegaly and now they just grow and sell lgally and pay their taxes thqt go to help their local districts and its really pumped alot of money jobs AND stopped peopel from needlessly getting arrested etc

iIm realuy proud of San Diego and california for this....texas and fly over country love to talk shit about california, about our anti 23nd amendment laws etc but i have a gun, anyone can, anyone can get an AR15 here to, or a pistol, theres no way they can stop you from building ur own which I did which si realy easy, same price too actually cheaper sometimes $850 for glock17 or ar15 kit with everything u need even the bullets, so here in caliufornai we get Guns AND legal cannabis! Guns and Weed and Crypto currency, everything u need! Wait nop we need Guns and Weed and DMT and Mescaline haha im have them all~! And my mescaline and DMT is lega;l because its still in plant form!

See kids you CAN mkeyour dreams come true!

yes i am vry lucky human being and this is why i try to force myself to help others and not be so hard on my own in ability to have saved up a million dollars by now because I am already comfortable and have everything i need, and i have my desires set low while i dont have much money and when i have the money to actuyaly enjoy more expensive things then Ill set my bars higher like the greek philosphers said to do....., i alrady get to experience alot bcaude of what my family has saved up and built for us but now I need to make my own money but I have to help peopel who DOnt get a nice existance who NEED that money JUSt to get to a place where they can chill!
can already chil whenever so i have no excuse to be an asshole....I could use a better chair for my back but I cant fit one in my treehouse, i need to research thebest sort opf bean bag type chair i can put on my bed while im not sleepingin it and uysing it to sit on like i do

Your reply was as long as your post! Thank you. I enjoyed it. Good luck on your journey helping people.

Beautiful plants! I hope to have plants like that in the future.

Hey look I found out that worm is a HAMMERHEAD worm and its a PREDATOR that eats earthworms snails and slugs! And it DIGESTS THEM ON THE OUTSID@ it WRAPS AROUND them openes its mouth which is in its underisde in the midle, and it releaes enymes and just wraps around the worms or slug wow this thing is crazier than i thought! It feeds on all the slugs here no wonder! The leaves that fall need to be left on the ground i shouldn't ever pick them up! the slugs and snails also help turn leaves into soil! This is why my soil is so good and why my plants are so healthy! its all that dark tropical plant soil!