Your really on point, i dunno who you are or how close to my hivemind you are but im a recovering heroine addict abd proud of it because i know exactky how bad the junkies are... i have one of the most sensitive humN bodies possible and i exoerienced way WAY too much dope sickness ocer znd over i was in closest thing to hell you can imagine , and I stole fanily jewelry but id never touch living things, but i am already 100% sure i can remake new rings and hear all the memories and inject them baxk into the snake ring, using holograms, but yeah i can replace gold rings but yeah junkies are still totally in control i would know
Its 100% will power bevause methadone clinics are everywhere and no matter what you can go to a clinic or get suboxone, and junkies are still being preyed on be dealers but its the junkies themselces who are the most viscious predators preying on other homeless, and we have a shrinking group of dealers now... the heroine and meth addicts need to be put in fema camps