Health Benefits Of Smoking Cannabis

in cannabis •  7 years ago 

Health benefits of smoking Cannabis? Is there such thing? Surely by now you probably have heard of one or more health benefits related to the use of Cannabis. As time goes by it seems we are discovering more and more health benefits for this plant. A whole book could and probably has been written about the health benefits of using Cannabis. In this occasion I will mention just a few.

Something many people deal with worldwide are migraine headaches. Well, now doctors worldwide are discovering they can treat the symptoms of migraines very efficiently with Cannabis. This is great news for those who deal with Migraines. Another medical condition known worldwide amongst primarily elder people is Alzheimer’s.

New research shows that Tetrahydrocannabinol more commonly known as THC which is one of the components found in the cannabis plant works to prevent alzheimer’s by blocking the deposits in the brain that cause the disease. Another of the benefits of Cannabis is that it slows the growth of tumors. The American Association of Cancer Research has found Cannabis works to slow tumor growth in lungs, breasts and the brain. Cannabis also relieves the symptoms of chronic diseases by helping relieve nausea associated with irritable bowel disease and crohn’s.

Use of Cannabis has been know to reduce intraocular eye pressure in glaucoma patients. Cannabis is a muscle relaxant and contains antispasmodic qualities which have shown to be very effective in the treatment of seizures. It helps those with Attention Deficit Disorder by increasing their focus. It is not only a perfect alternative for Ritalin, it treats the disorder without the negative effects of the pharmaceutical. Works to stop neurological symptoms and muscle spasms caused by Multiple Sclerosis by protecting nerves from damage caused by the disease.

It also slows down the tic’s in patients with Tourette’s, and relieves the obsessive neurological symptoms in patients with OCD. Evidence shows that Cannabis may relieve pain in severe case of Premenstrual Syndrome. And now much research worldwide show the great benefits on treating depression. I myself am a proof that depression can be overcome with the help of cannabis. And what better way to do so than smiling. If you enjoyed this article and know of someone who might benefit from it, share it. And don’t forget to smile. Much Love and Joy!

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