Decriminalising Cannabis In The U.K

in cannabis •  8 years ago 


Should the first steps of legalisation be decriminalisation in the UK?

Here is some information on why decriminalisation maybe the first and best steps to the legalisation of cannabis.

As we know the current party in government Conservative have no change on the current laws of cannabis. The Labour decriminalisation and Lib Dems are currently fighting to legalise in parliament. If your wondering who to vote in the upcoming election and cannabis plays a big part in your life perhaps here is some reasons why to vote decriminalisation or legalisation.
Labour supports decriminalisation
Lib dems support legalisation.

Firstly the difference between legalisation and decriminalisation can be confusing to some here in the UK but others in America Uruguay Portugal etc are fully aware of the difference. Decriminalisation is when cannabis in small amounts will not be deemed harmful nor illegal but only to an extent and will carry no punishment unless for example in Jamaica your caught with 57 grams you can be issued a fine rather than taken to court. Italy you may have your driving licence conviscated. It will eventually be normalised such as tobacco and alcohol is in our society.
Legalisation is when cannabis is fully supported for medicinal and recreational use. Such as California,Colorado,Washington etc.


Why should decriminalisation be considered? With over 50% of young adults coming out in support of marijuana and youths lives being affected by the drug and the fact it's easier to get cannabis on the streets over tobacco or alcohol from street gangs decriminalisation would be the first steps to legalisation. With decriminalisation it would also cut out the street dealers we currently have thriving in the UK and encourage people to grow low amounts for there own personal use. Check out this article below.

1 in 3 people admit to smoking cannabis. The statistics are overwhelming and we live in a time and place where cannabis has become more mainstream than ever and has an obvious industry.


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Meep meep


mmm they're some nice looking buds.

It's amazing really isn't it. Ancestors from our tiny piece of land, set out and conquered the World.. invaded all but 22 countries.. and as the World moves on, this tiny piece of land stays behind.