So in this post I am going to give a brief overview on thought of Cannabis being legalised or decriminalised. In my younger days I did partake in the smoking of Cannabis so many would automatically presume that I must support both the legalisation and decriminalisation of the drug.
My stance is completely split. Many times we will hear the argument of “drink is legal and causes plenty more harm to individuals, increases crime and heartache amongst families. Well yes I think they are correct Im saying that but it does not mean that we should base our arguments for legalisation on the trials and tribulations of Another substance - the can be said about smoking.
If smoking cannabis, drinking or any other drug can be consumed by a person where it does not cause
Addiction then that is a great thing and should be respected. And in fairness this happens a lot. Many a folk are ok drinking socially on occasions having a beer after work and it doesn’t consume their life and ultimately they don’t drink to excess causing themselves and those around them pain and heartache. Again the same can be said about
Those who enjoy to smoke weed to chill after a day at work. But I’m likely hood with all these substances there will be those few that can’t control the substance and abuse it and ultimately become addicted to not. The damage of this is often greater for family and friends caught in the midst of it.
Positives of decriminalisation of Cannabis.
If a country or state decriminalised the cannabis drug it can serve a great purpose in many ways. Espescially here in the UK and likely in other countries.
Firstly - my decriminalisation of the drug it stops “uses” Becoming criminals. This benefits the system as in the uk millions upon millions are spent in the whole process of catching cannabis users, court appearance and for repeat offenders it eliminates the costs of keeping them in prison (cost to taxpayer around £46,000+ per year. It has to remembered that just by having a criminal on your record, it will hinder the chances of getting a job and even more so for those unlucky not to go to prison. Does having a problem with cannabis get any better when you
End up in jail (where there are more drugs
In there than I’m the outside really help?
Secondly - by decriminalising cannabis for personal use it also enables individuals to grow small amounts of the drug for personal use therefore decreasing the amount of money going to the black market which is often run by mass criminal organisations and the money is used for human trafficking. To me personally I would be wanting as much money out of the hands of those who see it profitable and have no remorse for the tracking and enslavery of other humans. There are countless documentaries on YouTube watching people who are exported to the United Kingdom and locked up in grow houses for years living in utter squalor at the expense of underground gangs.
I found another great article online that goes more in-depth to how the legalisation of Cannabis would contribute to wiping out large underground cartel gangs. Please see links below.
underground.drug gangs cannabis.slavery
Thirdly - regualation could be implemented. It could even be grown by the state and therefore quality control can be improved. State regulation of it would also help boost the countries income as if half the amount who smoked normal cigarettes payed taxes
On cannabis it is a great boost to any economy.
Fourthly - It could be implemented in more help meetings for those who struggle with addiction as there are ten times more recovery groups for alcohol abuse and help and support more prevelant.
Finally - deep down although I see dangerous in smoking cannabis I think there is a lot worse things people can be getting involved in.
bold Dont despair, I have a counter argumentbold
There are major Drawbacks for cannabis users with some long term effects not completely known as of yet. Mental health illnesses have been associated with the use of cannabis and it’s not something that is known well enough about at the moment to say whether the detrimental effect it could have could cause havoc for generations to come.
Cannabis although thought to not be physically addictive is quite addictive mentally. I have seen first hand by many of my friends who have not been able to control their cannabis use and as tolerance levels rise and their “need” to smoke it the costs needed for them to still het high is dramatically high.
It is found that it could demotivate you which is never good as there are massive links between demotivation, anxiety, paranoia and Depression which isn’t good for individuals, relationships or maintaining a job.
I think I’ve convered a brief but fair argument into cannabis legalisation and decriminalision.
It will be interesting to work out at this point how it pans out for states in America that have legalised the drug. If all seems well I think it will knock on to other states and possibly the UK. I see many positives that could come derive from the legalisation or even decriminalisation of cannabis but strict regulations would still need to be in place for protection of our future generations and the vulnerable individuals
Within our societies.
More can be found on certain regulations that could benefit legalisation can be found from the organisation in the link below.