Happy 4/20 Cannabis Post Extravaganza

in cannabis •  4 years ago 

Presenting: A selection of my cannabis videos, documentaries, and articles... and a bunch of new material for 4/20! My hope is that you enjoy scrolling and clicking through this post, and possibly also learn something you didn't know. Free the weed!

(photography by DRutter)

Cannabis CURES Cancer

This post wouldn't be complete without a link to this post, which is my most recent compilation of all things 'cannabis cures cancer'.

If you're not aware Nixon tried to show cannabis CAUSED cancer in 1974, and hushed the results of his study because they revealed it CURES many types of cancer, please check out that post! It also contains a ton of recent studies showing how cannabinoids shut down cancerous sells safely, shrinking tumors and saving lives.

Half of us will get cancer, and half of those will die from it.... but it doesn't have to be this way! Make sure you pass this lifesaving knowledge on to as many people as you can.

Extracts ("concentrates" like shatter, rosin, wax, distillate) are medicine!

Cannabis extracts (like "dabs") saved my life and keep me healthy! It's not just about getting high, it's about life and death for hundreds of thousands of Canadians, and millions of others around the world.

The "Vape Crisis" was a lie

The mystery lung illness that harmed and killed people and was dubbed "the vape crisis" several months ago has disappeared from headlines recently. The media pretends that the culprit wasn't found, but it was - Myclobutanil, a fungicide often used on food crops, but is unsafe when heated (like in cannabis).

Vaping Crisis Solved!

"Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome" is actually Neem toxicity!

Neem (another organic compound sometimes used on cannabis) causes dangerous and unpleasant symptoms when heated and inhaled. Many organic growers use it because it's "natural" and "organic"... but that doesn't mean it's safe! Neem should never be used on cannabis, and the best plants are grown without ANY added products. I call it 200% organic.

Cannabis (and Silver) safely destroy viruses

Have a look here for information on using cannabis and silver medicinally!

And check out this link if you want to read a great scientific study on using colloidal silver (tiny silver particles in water) to fight viral infections! I just happened to buy myself a little bit of it:

My MK Ultra crop finished curing!

Check out this photo from a couple weeks ago:

And this one, today, after perfectly drying and jar-curing:

Here's a nug close-up!

Since it's 4/20, @MediKatie and I decided to roll up a joint. We medicate with extracts nonstop, but never smoke... except on special occasions! And this stuff is so clean and potent, it's almost like a dab. But even better, because this stuff is absolute bonkers!

At 4:20pm we lit up in the back yard. Normally we would be in a crowd of 50,000 people, but we moved away from Vancouver recently. Also, the whole thing was cancelled this year anyway (to maintain social distancing). MediKatie had a great time toking away!

I hope you had a safe, happy, productive 4/20!

Get your Bob today?

If you haven't listened to any Bob Marley today, shame on you! Luckily I've got you covered:

How long will they kill our prophets while we stand aside and look?

Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom?

To the activists!

4/20 is based in activism. Civil disobedience is the peaceful public breaking of unjust laws, and that is our DUTY as free people. Many are sitting in prison this 4/20, for the "crime" of passing a joint to the wrong person, growing cannabis, or doing what the government is doing now - selling it! We are not yet free.

So here's to the activists!

Activists are rarely celebrated, often hated, and are doing some of the most important work there is to be done - FOR FREE! In fact, we PAY to do what we do. So if you know any activists, or if you're one yourself, pass on my thanks and respect. They deserve it.

"Legalization" is a Lie!

"Legalizing" cannabis is a lie. All we need is to end the prohibition of it! Stop criminalizing people for peacefully growing, using, and transacting in cannabis!

Click here for my 45 minute documentary, released in 2019, one of my most important works.

The viral pandemic is said to be sweeping through prisons, where inmates are limited in nutrition and health care, and crowded together. Peaceful cannabis "offenders" must be released immediately! Don't condemn them to illness and possible death, when their imprisonment is completely unjust in the first place!

Cannabis is non-essential?

Cannabis has been deemed (by the powers that should not be) a non-essential plant. Dispensaries are being closed (both legalized and gray market) all over Canada and the USA. People (including patients) are going without, or reducing their dosage dramatically. Seizures, PTSD, depression, and end-stage cancer can become deadly when untreated. Many patients won't just suffer, they'll die because of the increased cannabis prohibition we're seeing as a result of the pandemic.

Immediately declare cannabis essential! Better yet, totally end all prohibition against it, and free it completely! Cannabis is safe, and the only reason it's still controlled is for PROFIT and CONTROL!

Please do NOT support legalization, legalized cannabis, or legal cannabis companies. They directly contribute to peaceful activists, gardeners, and patients going to prison - for profit! This plant should be free for all to profit from and enjoy, not just government insiders. End cannabis prohibition!

War on Drugs is a War on Us!

Here's a music video I made on 4/20 five years ago (2015)!

▶️ Watch on 3Speak

Price of Oil!

My "Price of Oil" video is blowing up on multiple platforms right now, due to the price of crude oil crashing under zero today for the first time ever. This is great because it contains a bunch of information on cannabis, and many of the viewers will be hearing it for the first time ever!

Thanks for jointing me!

MediKatie and I finished the day with a pizza! Vegan cheese, lots of pizza sauce, pineapple (oh yes we did), banana peppers, mushrooms, olives, onions, garlic, on a crispy gluten-free crust! It was juicy and intense, just perfect after a wonderful joint out on the back lawn.

I appreciate you scrolling through this post, and I hope you liked it. Peace, Liberty, Love, and Cannabis!



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I remember that Neem oil post. So glad I have learned about that, and got my environment dialed in. I have sprayed zero on my current crop, and plan to keep it that way!

Yeah and she looks fantastic. Must be one of your most happy-looking plants yet!! You're leveling up : D

Cool, you posted at exactly midnight! Happy 4/20, 2020 everybody! Thanks for the infotainment and recap of some of your and @MediKatie's cannactivism. Free the weed!

That was some really good organic homegrown. Literally as sticky as glue! Thanks for growing that :) What a fun and sunny 4/20 we had. I like that GIF ;)

Happy late 420, but really am I late? I think it is safe to say 420 is life for the both of us, hahah. That Mk ultra looks heavenly!

Thanks, I sure enjoyed growing it! The #SteemOG herm that was grown along with the MK Ultra plants (I called her S3) is finished curing now, too. I'll grind up some of that (and see how many seeds I got) soon!

Cool! We are having a giveaway(jonyoudyer) and @bluntsmasha will be giving away the prizes. Pretty easy, just guess a number for your chance to win.

Okay, thanks for the invite! : )
For some reason I've never been much of a contest guy, but it looks like a sweet prize! What gave you guys the idea to do a giveaway? I'll tell @MediKatie about it and perhaps she'll come up with a number guess. Danks!

Just for the spirit of 420. It is fun, and hopefully spread some positive vibes. I never liked doing those type of contest where you make people write a1000 word post, for one that’s expecting a lot, and two no one enters those. Giving away stuff just to give is right up my alley.