dire warning for Canadians about cannabis legalization

in cannabis •  7 years ago  (edited)

"Legalization" (Bill C45) is about to make cannabis more illegal than ever before in Canada. This has been a long con, a scheme perpetrated by elements of the deep state. First they gave us Harper's terrible prohibition (including mandatory prison minimums), priming us to lunge at Trudeau's offer of "legalization", only to clamp down on cannabis users and the culture.

C45 is a trojan horse, bringing in brutal prison terms, warrantless searches, and expanded government powers.

Spread the word...

Just say 'NO' to cannabis legalization!!


And click here to hear the time-traveling message, inserted into a video upload almost 5 years ago!

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Legalization's a lie! Trojan like it's a trick AND they're gonna fuck you haha

Upvoted and Resteemed!

good grass

so you would prefer the current laws remain in place in hopes of a better bill? or are the current laws chill enough as is?

The current situation is terrible, and "legalization" is going to increase punishments across the board, so it's really not legalizing anything except the right to buy expensive low quality THC-limited irradiated weed from the government and their corporate friends, who are getting rich by criminalizing their competition. It's an Orwellian nightmare. Prohibition 2.0.
What they should have done was repeal all cannabis prohibition. Or, use an 'order in council' to remove cannabis from the criminal code, which takes about 2 hours of paperwork.
That's what they hinted at when they campaigned to Canadians who were weary of prohibition, and we stupidly ate it up. The classic bait and switch. Now it's going to be worse than ever.

damn! but don't people get to grow 4 plants and have some weed at home?

Yes, it's going to be legal to have a secret stash, but then again.... secret stashes don't really need to be legal! I guess if it makes you feel better to know your baggie in the drawer is "legal", so be it. Doesn't make me feel any different. As for growing 4 plants, only BC (and maybe one other province) looks like they're going to allow it. And only for owners of houses... not for renters! And certainly not for the poor or homeless. So it's legalizing a few things, slightly.... and illegalizing everything else, a lot.

that really is some bullshit. now i feel kinda sad cuz I was getting excited for you guys up there. thanks for filling me in man

No probs, lots of work for activists to be done, and the black market (free market) will continue. Lots of peaceful people will end up fucked for life unless we get things sorted out. It's like they WANT people to freak out or something. Nobody asked for this kind of regime. :/