Sounds like typical super conservative Virginia bs to me. So all they did was increase the max amount you can have without going to jail from 14g to 28 g. What they do not tell you is you still have to be on probation for a year and not leave the state during this time if you are caught with under sed amount. There is also a likelihood of you loosing your driver's license for at least 6 months and best case get your restricted licence for ONLY work travel. Best part, consistent drug tests during that 1 year period - yay you can't consume cannabis for a year... you can opt out of this by accepting 3 months in jail (out in about 2 months on "good behavior") - which in my opinion is a much better option for most people in the situation. So it doesn't include jail time... but it kind of does, or at least a partial stripping of your personal freedoms - to put it lightly.
Virginia doctors are all afraid to sign up for the medical program bc of how it will make them look to the conservative community there and how it would negatively affect their business. They are also afraid of being judged by their colleges. IF you actually were one of those 1,000 people that obtained a card there, you bet your ass the government will be all over you and tracking every move you make, as well as every move the doctors who prescribed the cards makes. I guess you have to be from there to truly understand the politics of this commonwealth.