STRESSLESSNESS + CANNABIS :: Sessions Has A Gun To Everyone's Head, Including His Own. 🔫

in cannabis •  7 years ago  (edited)


STRESS. It is the leading ultimate cause of human death.

Modern life has been deceptively organized to START (+ STAY) in stress. Consider the clamped head, fluorescent lights, firm smack on the ass while hanging upside down... oh, and the cherry on top... possible genital mutilation! Yeah, quite a (mainstream) welcome to the world, huh?

After that inhumane beginning, the already-banged-and-bruised life is then SOCIALIZED into fear and stress. It is the most common confession to fall from a mouth... how much things suck. That is the song of stress. Some form, degree or blend of stress-worry-anxiety-malcontented complaint looms 'round most of us. But have you ever wondered why joyful adults seem so... weird? So, out-of-place or refreshing? WHY ISN'T JOY THE NORM?!

What kind of people agree that low-grade depression, or functional addictions, are an acceptable baseline for life? (They are NOT.) Stressed people, that's who.

They are just too tight and tired, to be able to hear from their very best game-changers... which are wonder, imagination, cognitive agility, vision, SYNAPTIC FREEDOM.

With access to those game-changers, you can more easily see your solutions, power, and resources. When your mind is stressless, you can SEE your way to exactly what's needed. Problem-solver. Innovator. Healer. Engineer. Designer. Consoler. Whatever it is that's needed, can be revealed to the stressless mind... AND CAN ALSO BE KEPT HIDDEN FROM THE STRESSED MIND. Do you get the power of that?

Well, there is a plant that helps you get out of that deep stress-rut. Ask military veterans. Ask MMJ patients. Ask me. We'll tell you -- and science confirms -- that cannabis loosens and lubricates the stressy desert that is in a lot of human heads.

It can enable people to think in creative and effective ways. Do you see an abundance of that around you... of creativity and effectiveness? In fringey niches, yes. But we are a long way from it being pervasive. Mimicry still rules! And again, WHY is unimaginative stupidity the expected and accepted norm? Doesn't that implicate those of us who know better?

Cannabis brings homeostasis to the MIND, allowing it to feel freedom from worry and depression (as meditation can), but meditation does not bring full homeostasis to the BODY. Cannabis balances BOTH realms, and all our physiological systems.

When stress is accepted, like it is now, people are easier to farm.

People are afforded just enough head-space to carry out their socially and economically limited life-scripts.


But when the game-changers (mentioned above) are given access to our thoughts -- via stresslessness -- and they start to ask questions that counter The Destructive Rules, and they make it easier for us to explore, discover, and know the power of our own mind...

When that happens, we start to see things from an entirely different perspective.

When stress is abated, life is restored.

With a lucidity we hadn't known before, we see the beauty, and the bullshit.



The Dreadful Bottom Line:

1. There is a plant that remedies the leading cause of human death. 🌿

2. The U.S. Attorney General has attacked that plant! 👿


You can DO SOMETHING about this dark madness. Please.

Do something.

Please also share this with the stressed-out people you know. Thanks. 😊

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it is really good to mention the biggest problem of our time
Good post erikaharris👍

Thanks, @lovemedik! Great username, btw. ;-)

Stay educated and medicated... Nice main image... lol...

So, stay meducated? lol

Thanks, @debraycodes! :-)

Yeah @erikaharris
It's amazing how the negative which is supposed to be the unusual is the norm in society and vice versa. And it's amazing how much stress goes on unattended to in the world when our world is blessed with all this cannabis. It's not even yet to be discovered, it has been discovered already! A pity how society itself kills itself. I've always been of the opinion that most sufferings are self-inflicted. By avoiding the good things as a result of some untenable indoctrinations.

Let's spread more of this good news!

There's a lot of good stuff in this article and I'm a big fan of cannabis as a medicine. However, the idea that stress is the ultimate cause of death does not go far enough. Stress is a symptom, not a cause. For stress to occur, a specific event or pattern of events must have taken place that has caused the stressed state to occur - as you stated with the events at birth, for example.

This might seem like splitting hairs, but it's really important, as in order to properly self heal, people need to pinpoint the precise root cause (or causes) of their stress related symptoms, which are specific life events or repeated themes. If this isn't done, then they are just looking for symptom treatments which might work for a while. Even using cannabis can just be a symptom treatment.

There's nothing wrong with doing this of course for relief and to give the perceptual benefits etc that you mentioned. However, if the root cause emotional event has not been addressed, it will show up again further down the line either as mental/physical symptoms coming back, or a new set.

I hope this makes sense and I fully agree that it's a great plant with many applications for mind and body healing.

Sessions is the last of the old guard making a stand.

Great post! Their is no doubt in my mind that I would still be a brainwashed zombie, had I never been introduced to marijuana, and it's benefits to my obsessive thought, stress, anxiety, etc... I also refuse to feel ashamed about something that has helped to enhance my life experience in so many ways, and will happily continue to spread this gospel! (Although I'm currently making myself take the month off to reset some perspective, and dissolve any mental dependency barriers.)

SO TRUE! Cannabis like the nutritional/herbal industry is put down and cornered into a category of being less than. Well, the medical-big pharma industry would not exist if not for the wonderful world of Herbs and plant medicine. Medicine for the people not profit! RESTEEMED

Good post. I'm wondering where our country would be today if people like the Rockefellers didn't shut down the industry years ago. Hoping supplements are not next on the list!