The Oldest Reference In Western Literature To Cannabis - Herodotus 490-425 BC

in cannabis •  6 years ago  (edited)

The most ancient literal references in the western literature we have concerning Cannabis are from Herodotus. As Cannabis is being legalized around the world it behooves us to look back to the most ancient of references to see what was said and how it may be applicable today.


Herodotus & Cannabis

Herodotus was an ancient Greek historian who was born in the Persian empire. He is considered by many to be the father of history and wrote The Histories which chronicled the experiences of the cultures before him. He is credited with starting the conscious study of history through his methodical research and use of source materials. Although his works were clearly not untainted by bias it is an indication of his value that he is still studied today.

However that is not the intended topic of this post. What interests me here is what the father of history wrote concerning the ancient use of the Cannabis plant to see if it holds any relevance for us today. The fact that the use of Cannabis is discussed in the most ancient of our historical books is intriguing and may have relevance for us today.


What Did Herodotus Have Say About Cannabis

Herodotus' statement about Cannabis was quoted widely during the Reefer Madness era of 1930's America where Cannabis was being demonized. The real reasons behind this prohibition had more to do with race, profit and power than they had to do with Cannabis.

Here is the quote that was widely used:

"The Scythians put the Seeds of this HEMP under the bags, upon the burning stones; and immediately a more agreeable vapor is emitted than from the incense burnt in Greece. The Company extremely transported with the scent, howl aloud."

Although innocuous this statement was used to justify the belief that since ancient times Cannabis caused blood thirsty hysteria. The sole reason I can see for this was that the Scythians howled aloud during Cannabis intoxication. I don't know how howling can be seen as blood thirsty but this was the justification that was used.

Perhaps some enlightenment can be had from looking at the text in its greater context?


The Wider Context Of Herodotus' Writings

Here is a wider context of Herodotus' reference to Cannabis:

“ . . . And this is the Manner of the King’s Funeral. But when any other Scythian dies, his nearest Relations carry him about in a Chariot among his Friends; who receive and entertain the whole Company, in their Turn, setting the fame things before the dead Man as before the rest. In this Manner all private Men are carried about forty Days, before they are buried: And those who have assisted at these Funerals, purify themselves thus. When they have cleansed and washed their heads, they set up three pieces of timber leaning to each other, and laying a good number of Woolen Bags close together, throw burning Stones in to a hollow space left in the midst of the wood and bags. In this country a sort of HEMP grows, very like to flax; only longer and thicker; and much more excellent than ours, whether sowed or produced by Nature. The Thracians cloth themselves with garments made of the HEMP; so well resembling Flax, that a man must have great experience in those materials to distinguish one from the other: And he who had never seen this HEMP, would think their their Cloths were wrought out of Flax. The Scythians put the Seeds of this HEMP under the bags, upon the burning stones; and immediately a more agreeable vapor is emitted than from the incense burnt in Greece. The Company extremely transported with the scent, howl aloud; and this Manner of purification serves instead of washing: For they never bath their bodies in water. But their wives grinding the wood of cypress, cedar, and incense upon a rough stone, and infusing the powder in water, compound a thick substance, which they spread over all the parts of the body and face."

“The HISTORY of HERODOTUS” -- Translated from the Greek by Isaac Littlebury [1737]


Much Ado About Nothing...

Obviously this is a description of people at a funeral: howling in grief. It does not even come close to all the bad press it got during the 1930's. It is clear that the Cannabis was used for cloth and the seeds burned during funerals.

Herodotus doesn't mention if they used Cannabis for medical, food or intoxication purposes. It only seems they used the seeds as a form of incense. Interestingly Herodotus does seem to mention incense use of other plants in other parts of his writing.


Has Old Herodotus Anything For Us Today?

Two things: textiles and incense. The textiles are the most interesting part. Hemp can do amazing things. Henry Ford's 1940s Model T was built to run on hemp fuel and was built of Hemp. Given that Hemp grows exceptionally quickly it is far more sustainable and useful for all kinds of industrial applications. If Hemp had received the 80 years of development and use that steel has had who knows where we would be. If Hemp had been used for paper instead of wood pulp many trees would have been saved.

As medical use of Cannabis is being allowed around the world and attitudes are changing perhaps Herodotus has words of wisdom from the past. Let us not forget those who went before us and utilize this plant for more than its medical purposes. Conceivably increased Cannabis tolerance will extend to industrial Hemp which will impact industrial products for the better.


Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

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wow excellent data, I could not imagine that cannabis went back to that time so remote

Actually there are more ancient references that predate Herodotus that go back to China. I will do some posts on this in the future. UPvoted with pleasure! 😁


Cannabis / Hemp is one of the most powerful natural herbal medicines that exist on the planet and is also the most useful economic plant that have more then 10000+ sustainable industrial usages!