in cannabis •  7 years ago 

Hi steemians hope all is well! So since Sunday is my only day off it’s when i get most of my personal chores done, and with such a beautiful day on the central coast I thought it’s time for some garden work!!


It’s time to transplant the Santa Rita OG’s into their final home, 3 gallon pots. I keep my used pots outside so first I wash them with hot water and soap....


It’s important to sterilize everything that goes into an indoor grow . Not just for mold but mainly for any type of insects!!
God forbid you get mites!!

Second whenever i pull my plants out of their tiny home....


I take advantage and clean the room...


A clean grow is a happy grow! 👍

Second I get my soil ready..,



Alright I’m all ready to transplant!!



As you can see a transplant is way overdue. I’m not worried the way they look cause I know a transplant is all they need. In 4-5 days these lady’s will look brand new.

Now i get the soil a little loose so I can gently pull out from the base of the plant....


I’m so relieved that i decided to transplant today, these roots have no other place to go!!


Looking great though💪

Now once i pull out the root ball i use a for to gently break away the bottom of root ball...



Now just add soil....



That’s all folks, now these lady’s will really take off!!!




Oops technically not it. Lol now i got tho throw these lady’s back in there tiny ass room. It’s so daunting to work in such a little area. But with a little thought and a lot of hard work it can be managed...



Ok now I’ll veg these out until 2 plants that are finished with the flush, them it’s flip mode. So stay tuned!!

Until then stay positive!

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Paging Dr. Greenthumb.

Keep up the good work man!

Better put a 911 at the end of that page cause it’s going to be a 🔥.

Dont forget to mention that it is 100% organic goodness right there!

Don’t panic it’s organic!!

Nice thw green frog is my fav too

I use about 3:1 ratio of the fox farm ocean floor to happy frog.

You should try using a green bulb indoors to transplant.. better on the root mass and doesnt stunt the growth. Personal preference of course.

And if you mean a green light bulb that’s outta the question for me, i have no choice but to transplant outdoors. Probably would be better to do it at night time, but sometimes i got to seize the opportunity to get shit done👍

I’ll check it out. Thanks

Excellent post, interesting photos. Godspeed!

Thank you!

Wow nelly

Thanks for stopping by.

(Video) The Art of rolling a Blunt - How to roll and enjoy a Dutch Master - How to smoke a blunt - by Jose Arteaga

Thanks for the update ! Definitely looking forward to seeing these flipped into flower. How many weeks are they in right now?

Loving the page and also, really down with your blog "montra" of "show love"

definitely wanted to show love to this feed and excited for more content! keep it coming!

if you have a chance to stop by my blog, give some feedback on my recent post about my outdoor summer grow! I wanna hear critiques about the soil mixture i used, as well as any tips or advice you have for protecting my garden from nitrogen deficiencies.... all three of my grows have hd nitrogen issues and this summer im looking to make sure I do better.

love always

you're making steemit a great community with your content jonyoudyer! keep it up!