Cannabis, A Good Influence on Your Neighborhood!

in cannabis •  6 years ago  (edited)


Cannabis - Good for You, Good for Your Neighborhood and Good for the Government

To date almost all the arguments that the fear mongers have espoused regarding the Legalization of Marijuana have proved false. The fear mongers said legal marijuana would send crime rates skyrocketing. In fact just the opposite is true. Studies indicate that crime rates have dropped by an average of 14% in states where Marijuana is legal.

Those promoting FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) said that legalizing Cannabis would increase underage use. In fact, nationwide studies show that underage use of marijuana is dropping in states where it Cannabis is legal. This only makes sense. Regulating Marijuana insures that underage use will decline. We only have to look at the Tobacco or Liquor Industries to confirm this.

Neighborhood Revitalization

When we look at Colorado, we see that addiction to opiods drops significantly, which means less theft and violent assaults, therefore less crime. We also see that under age use of Cannabis drops significantly. It is much harder for a child to get their hands on something strictly regulated. Legalization also creates an entirely new job market. Legalization is really great for your neighborhood, crime goes down, people are safer, and the economy flourishes.

Oakland California is a great example. Neighborhoods that were once slums and derelict are now flourishing under the new Cannabis Laws. Legal Marijuana has been behind a revitalization of many parts of the city. In addition, new jobs have been created and the crime rate has dropped significantly.

Community Outreach

Many municipalities have included regulations designed to divert some of the profit from the Cannabis Industry into charitable donations and community outreach programs. These community out reach programs include education, prevention of underage consumption and best practices on how to maintain a good code of conduct for the community.

Revenue for the Government

Let's face it - the war on drugs, especially Marijuana is a losing effort. The authorities have never been able to stop Cannabis consumption and they never will. But with the Legalization of Marijuana, States and Local Municipalities can benefit financially. The revenues from the legal marijuana will reach the hundreds of Millions of dollars before long. Again, this will help to keep communities strong, crime rates down and ease the tax burden of the average citizen.

Doing Your Part

Starting or helping with the legal Cannabis Industry is good for everyone. Profits are high, employment is strong, communities are better and finally governments have a new source of revenue. Spread the good word about Cannabis, and if you are interested in joining in the revolution feel free to visit us at

@steemcafe @worldtraveller32

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