in cannabis •  8 years ago 


As for many uses of the plant cannabis and its medicinal purposes are better than you prescription drug sin your counter tops. There is one company called Monsanto for years its been rumored that it plans to take over the Cannabis Industry with genetic engineering just as theyve taken over the corn and soy industries. As they have always denied having any intentions to do so.

Does anyone really believe them? Do you believe ?

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Although many in the cannabis world are prepared to resist any kind of GMO takeover of marijuana by monsanto.

Evidence is mounting, though , which, points that Monsanto does plan to take over the cannabis plant, and its not looking good for medical users, or anyone planning on getting into the industry.

A while back hearing in September Bayer , the largest pharmaceutical company in the world made a deal to buy out Monsanto for 66 billion dollars....
Monsanto has been falling out since 2013 and Bayer still bought it.

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A merging of these two companies is a bad thing for this up and coming billion dollar export cannabis. Both threatening to kill competition and the growing process is the worst!! Come on they want to mess with a plant that can wipe out the so called "pill" business (pharma)

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They try to take control over everything.