Keeping the stock, hope it last some days.

in cannabis •  5 years ago 

Hi fellow smokers! I bet we all are having a high time :)

I hope we are really keeping ourself busy using the resources which we have indoor and waiting patiently to cool down the situations.

In the meantime, i had bought some stuffs of Rupees 400 (each costing 100) which we use to buy at 50 each.

I'm keeping some stock and hope it will last a bit long than usual. Going out is too risky right now :/

Thank you guys and keep smoking!

razeiv smoke logo.png

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Smart thinking.

Got no other option lol!

seem very... ... unprepared?


what is the hindoostan version of this?

there is nothing else to say but to repeat :

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.

and they made plants of the creation illegal... kuffarism maximalizer... the daringness of the phiraos is mindblowing... dumb... at a point...

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'm real confused at what you are trying to say or explain? I'm sorry! I think i need a quick shot to comprehend it.

you seem to be from india? or somewhere close looking at the curing and triming of your weed... as such I was asking what are the relation between the plants of the creation and the traditional indian stories... aka did brama gave an opinion on weed / plants of the earth?

The story is long, i promise to post it in my next canna blog :)

great, a short version please :)... the indian traditional way on ghanjah from a spiritual repository texts and saying perspectives... key work traditional... or truely historic :)

have you seen this ?

Medical Tyranny: James Abram Forced Covid-19 Treatment

that's the west... of course they hate plants of the creation (how you may call the vegetal world).