Gardening Update: Cannabis Week # 8 in flowering Stage.

in cannabis •  7 years ago  (edited)

I thought I would take you along with me on my first grow journey as I start to come closer to the harvest of my first micro-crop. 

I'm thinking of turning this photo into my first Cannabis Christmas card...what do you think?

I kind of look like a librarian with really bad hair. These Queens are exceptionally sticky (at this point) and if I went into my little grow room without my hair severely tied back, it would be certain disaster. On a good day in the Summer, my hair resembles that of a Cajun Voodoo High Priestess' (the likes of which, have be seen well-depicted in the Disney movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, saga. As a character myself, I'm really not that far off. LOL!).  


Ok, ok, back to the garden-tour. 3 plants remain from 4, that were originally kept. Number 4 was a male and I will have seeds.

I did segregated the plants once I could tell the difference between them.

The "Mister" got kicked out (very early on as soon as I could tell what female hairs should look like and what male "balls" should look like). Come on, it's not everyday that a gal gets a chance to see green balls...even with the cheater magnifying glasses that I am using, I found it hard to know what the hell I was actually looking at until I was face to face with BIG BALLS and there was no denying what they were.

What can I say?  You can look at a static picture all you want, but until you see what it really should look like in real life, my untrained eyes couldn't see the difference. (I can only hope my skills will improve over time and if anyone who may read this, has an easier way to determine cannabis plant gender, please do share.)

I did read that once these gender traits are visible you have a very small window (like 24 hours, or something crazy like that, before pollination will or can occur. So, who only knows if I got him liberated from the 3 remaining Queens in time, or not. 

At any rate, I banished him to " the outside, but didn't destroy him for a few weeks. I made this decision because I wanted to  fully inspected him in an effort to learn what a male plant does and looks like as it matures. 

Of course, this eventually led to pollination via myself as a probable pollinator, as well.

What I have learned is that cannabis plants are like mates of Velcro. The females do their best to produce sticky resin so that they can catch the pollen that the males release. The structures on the male plant, that appear to hold the grains of pollen remind me of little coral bells in their physical appearance.

I know this is sick.

Sacrilegious and maybe even repulsive to seasoned growers. (I completely understand if you never talk to me again) but I decided to let the male plant do its thing, so that I could learn from this experience.

The silver lining in all of this, is that I have preserved these genetics and now will be able to start my own seed library as a result. (So, all is not lost.)


The major difference from one week to the next is that the white hairs (or Pistils) have turned orange in colour.


The photo on the left with all the white pistils is from week #7. The photo on the right is from week #8. (Both, of the flowering stage.) In the entire blooming cycle, these plants have been receiving 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of light. The photos were taken using a cell phone and 45 x magnification through a loop.


This one still has the odd white pistil which needs to turn orange yet, but you can also see that the trichomes appear to be turning milkier with the passage of time, too.

Thanks for joining me on my micro garden-tour.

I welcome your comments and invite you to follow me on my journey.

~ Rebecca Ryan  


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Beautiful Photos and

thank you for the tour. Very well done. :) The macro shots are amazingly clear.

You may be interested in the information I've dug up the last 15 years concerning extreme quality cannabis. I've blogged the beginning of an esoteric cultivation series and stopped. Should there be enough people looking for the gems of info already up, I'll continue the series. :)

Either way, you're definitely moving forward. Congrats. :)

Hi @thecleangame! Great to hear from you. Thanks for having a look and commenting.
I'll go back and check your blog to locate the cultivation series that you have started. I am interested and haven't seen it. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I greatly appreciate it. :)

Thank You. FYI, you look great in cannabis. ;)

Hahaha! That's the best compliment ever! Thanks.

Thank you @thecleangame!

The 'amazing strain librarian' I will say! I have zero experience in planting cannabis but so glad that i met you here, learning so many things with all your posts!
Steem On!

LOL! Thank you @progessivechef! That's a very fitting nick name. (I'm still thinking about sega dancing around a bonfire. I'll have to see if I can find a YouTube video, speaking and thinking of things you've already taught me.)
Thanks for commenting. ;)

Excellent photos. If the word ever got outside of Steemit that a lady in Canada was showing how to grow cannabis. Your page would be flooded with followers. The numbers are increasing, I think of those wanting to know what cannabis is all about.
I don't know how they will find out. But at least you are doing your part.


I love the crystals on the strains :D

Thank you so much for commenting @journeyoflife!
I have to admit, I wasn't expecting to see this volume from an unknown strain, produce by my novice skills. LOL!

It's always surprising what some strains can do , magic !!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well... you see... i'm still not sure what opinion do i have about raising cannabis in the garden. I don't know too much about cannabis. Only regular information, that it is badbadbad and not for kids.

But it has some medical properties... so if it is used to help people then maybe it's fine.
I'm still waiting for someone to enlighten me.

Well, I can tell you that it has successfully helped me to put an autoimmune disease, called multiple sclerosis into remission without using any pharmaceutical drugs. The disease caused blindness and mobility problems in my body.
Since I started eating it (and I've eaten it everyday for 9 years) my vision is restore to 20/20 and I can move around freely.
Without this herb, I would be blind and in a wheelchair, at this point.
It is for this reason, that I now am a cannabis coach and I teach others about it. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh you're a cannabis coach! I didn't even know that such profession exist...))
So it can help to treat a lot of problems with people's health, i see!
I thought when you eat it, you fly to the Jupiter or Mars... And talk to aliens and fairies!

Well, that can and does happen but only if you eat "way way way" more than you should. ;)

Hey there @rebeccaryan! Glad you've got your first grow setup up and running! They're looking great and after all the timeand effort you put in you'll have a nice harvest shortly! It's amazing how much work goes into those plants... it's been a bit since my last crop but they definitely can become a full time job! Keep it goin!

So true @burgernfries! Thanks so much for commenting. Every stage of this process is so critical when I think about it. From the skills needed to breed plants to the final curing process, a lot of dedication and love goes into these plants. ;)

I forgot to "welcome" you. WELCOME!
I have followed you @burgernfries. :D

Thanks for the welcome @rebeccaryan! Following you too!

And now on to the HARDEST PART, Drying and curing :]. It will for sure be a fun journey. What are your plans for drying and curing? Do you have humidi-packs and a RH meter ready?


Thank you @cryptohustlin! I have reciprocated the follow.
I have to admit that I am getting a little antsy to harvest and I'm doing my best to be patient and wait until my trichomes either really get milky and develop a true trumpet-bell shape or I see an amber colouration.
I think that I'm still 3 weeks off being able to harvest. I was going to keep fertilizing this week and then flush for 2 weeks before harvesting. Then I was going to hang them and run a dehumidifier to dry before curing.
I am nervous about getting the whole drying and cure parts, right.

Just saw this post : advice for curing: make sure your room humidity that you're drying in is 35-45% RH (relative humidity). When you harvest cut the the stalks into manageable sizes and hang then upside down. Do a quick trim to take most of the big fan leaves off... save the small leaves with trichome coverage for after the initial drying. Usually the initial dry is 7-10 day so depending on size! Any other question just ask! Hope this helps! I plan on doing some posts regarding this topic very soon ;)

Thank you for offering this great advice @burgernfries! I greatly appreciate it. Getting the humidity right for the drying process will be my next big hurdle, I think. Hopefully, I can do this properly and not have any trouble with mold/mildew. Thanks again. It all helps my confidence as I keep going along in each stage of this process. ;)

Yeah the humidity question is definitely an important one! I just finished a write up on the drying and curing process! I hope it helps!

That's exciting I will go and have a read right now!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your hair doesn't look that bad but you sure do look like a librarian.
A pretty 'dope' one if I have to say so. (I have to stop with my terrible puns)
Seems like they are doing well and they are becoming more richer in colouration and looking better.
Great Photographs @rebeccaryan!

Hahaha! Thank you @arckrai! It's just such a funny topic and all I can say is, if I can learn to grow these plants, anyone can. ;)

Word of advice i apply. When you think its ready to harvest wait another two weeks before you dry out the buds. Its a lot of work but it will pay off in the end. Good luck

I think that is excellent advice @familyof4! I have been given this advice now, and although I'm getting antsy I will keep watching for the trichomes to take on an amber colour and the trichomes to trumpet.
Thanks for commenting, I have followed you. ;)

try putting a few in the outdoors if you have any still vegging!
u will get to flower naturaly in teh sunlight this autumn

I have one growing outside, but I think I screwed it up a little bit because it had a week of flowering light before I decided to move it outside, which put it back into a vegetative state. We shall see what happens in 2 more months, for that one. This crop has been one big experiment and learning exercise on my part. Thanks for the suggestion @ackza! I really appreciate it. ;)

Awesome! to me there in nothing like a first harvest from your own grow, its an amazing feeling of accomplishment and a very good experience! Looking nice! you and the plants!

I couldnt agree more.

I have to admit that it feels like a major life accomplishment to me, even at this stage in the process. ;)

Thanks @correctdrop and thanks for commenting! I am really looking forward to finishing my first growing cycle. I'm learning every day, it seems.
We are a year away from complete legalization in Canada and if some of the US States are any examples of what's going to happen here, I am quite certain, shortages of cannabis will be even more of a regular occurrence then they already are. The only person that I want to be relying on to grow my medicine is myself.

That is a good point, like here in Oregon we have had no shortage in a year, but we did right when it became legal. I also love growing anyways, because we are allowed to grow 4 plants recreational here, its like why not ya know..hehe I hope next time I drive 6 hours north, Vancouver will have shops like we do here in Washington and Oregon, im excited for your country! And you seem very happy!

Well, I have to say that it soooo nice to be out of the cannabis closet and finally able to talk about it openly, without fear of persecution. Hopefully, we will have all kinds of specialty shops next year.
My medical license currently lets me grow 40 plants inside. I started with 4 and plan to keep things small until I know what I am doing. I think everyone who can grow 4 plants should. If and when it's everywhere, it will become so common place that nobody will care. ;)

Indeed! thoes are some great points you make.

@rebeccaryan thank you for sharing Gardening Update: Cannabis Week # 8 in flowering Stage.

Thank you for commenting @hicmaster!
Welcome to my blog page. I have followed you. ;)

I wish you Rebecca as my Santa this year :)
This seriously is cannabis porn .. Nice growth

Hahaha! Maybe I will be your Santa this year @viralcontent!
It's shocking to me that the photos turn out as well as they do, from a cell phone.
Thanks for commenting and welcome to the platform and my blog page. I have followed you. :)

Great Going !!

I'm getting there. Making lots of mistakes and learning as I go. ;)

That bud looks amazing!

Hahaha I love it @classyherb! "The classiest stoner community".
Thanks for commenting and welcome!
I have followed you. :)

Absolutely Gorgeous!

Thank you @rawpride! First time growing so I am happy that I was able to make it to this stage with my plants. ;)
I have followed you. I think we have a lot in common. ;)
I will say one thing, I think the mandella effect is more pronounced for those of us who have been raising our frequencies over the years.

Looks like soon you will have a very tasty harvest!! Well done keep up the great work

Thank you for commenting @ch00fy! I really appreciate it.
Do you know about the Steemit Culinary Challenge that runs every week?
(You should consider entering some time. There's 5 prizes to be won normally. This week it's a bit different with just one big prize purse on the line. The deadline to post is Wed. at 12:00 pm EUT )
I have followed you. ;)

Yes I did one for newbies a few weeks back I will def check this weeks out:)

Cool seeing your growing process. I was just in Colorado and I got some pretty good indica bud for me :)

Thanks for taking a few minutes to read and comment @ballinconscious. I don't know the strain is, of the seeds that grew these plants. They were given as a gift to me and originally foraged for in Jamaica. I was also given some herb to try and my guess is that it's a sativa hybrid with strong indica traits. It reminded me of a very happy "super lemon haze". Time will tell and I'm happy to learn that you had a nice experience in Colorado. :)

Your welcome, I try to make time as much as possible. That is ok. So most likely hybrid wit indica dominant. I don't think I have every tried super lemon haze but it sounds good. Yeah, had a good experience in Colorado and Oregon. briefly visited California to but only passed by there for a second.

have you ever tried feminizing your seeds, its really easy. nice flower BTW

Hi @serfer4! Thanks for commenting.
I have never tried feminizing seeds before and know NOTHING, 0, about the process.
Have you written a blog post about it?
Welcome to my blog page, I have followed you.

nice grow! enjoy ur harvest

Thank you and thank you for commenting @lpessin.
Welcome to Steemit! I have followed you.

Thank you! I am new here . Soon I will do a post with photos of my indoor garden. Hope you enjoy. =]

Gorgeous :)

Elrond Huston Aka ehuston

Thanks and thanks for commenting @ehuston!
Welcome to Steemit and my blog! I have followed you.

indoor garden?


thats da shizz

Thank you @kdogdiggles13! I'm looking forward to successfully get to the drying and curing stage.
I have followed you.

sweet beans

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

peanutbutter jelly time

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

how do u like ur eggs in the morning ?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

even burnt?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Nice plants!

Thank you for your comment @beachguide! It's been a learning process that's for sure.
Welcome to my blog and to Steemit!
I have followed you.

Thanks, iam looking forward to your next update :)

Thanks @beachguide! I'm currently working on it. :)

nice !

I always wanted to start marijuana business :)

Hi @mike29!
Welcome to Steemit and thanks for commenting.
I think it's a good business to be into, in some form or another.
I have followed you. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Some people need marijuana oil. I would try to save lifes, and in the same time to make people happy :D
Nice post! I follow you back :)

I completely agree and I try to do the same in terms of helping people who are sick and helping people to be happy. :)

I love this beautiful plants,not only because THC, They look gorgeous, Well done @rebeccaryan