The difference between Sativa and Indica, when it comes to Cannabis.

in cannabis •  8 years ago 


By Vanja from Resinate

There's one plant that's quickly becoming everyone's go-to happy herb. There's no prizes for guessing what we're talking about.

Whether you're using it for medical reasons, or occasionally find your self tucking into a cheeky bowl right before bed, no one can denying the pronounced healing benefits of Cannabis.

We're living in an age where we'll surely grow to see this beautiful plant legalized in most parts of the world (it's quite dumbfounding that it's illegal in the first place, but that's not the point of this article).

When it comes to Cannabis, weed, bud, Mary J, or whatever you call it, there isn't simply ONE type of weed. In fact, there's HUNDREDS of different strains, with visually appealing names like 'Bubblegum Kush' and 'Girl Scout Cookies'. However, despite the almost uncountable number of strains, they're all grouped into one of two categories - Indica & Sativa.

So what exactly is the difference between the two? Which one is right for you? Hopefully the following info-graphic (thanks to to give you a little more insight into which ones ideal for you. indica-and-sativa-1024x983.jpg

So there you have it. You now are equipped with more knowledge about Marijuana than the majority of people consuming it. With all this information around, go out and find the strain that's right for you!

A great website for strain reviews is

As always, we hope our post has brought a little bit of valuable information to you, and we'll be sure to keep writing informative articles about this amazing little plant!

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This is amazing !!!

So does this apply to most people? Because I've heard that for some people it doesn't make a difference what type they smoke.

Hey Shamic!

What you're saying isn't entirely wrong! You're right, pain relief can be felt from a lot of these strains - however, for most medicinal patients, they're looking at Strains with a HIGH CBD % rather than a high THC %

Regardless, both substances have their own benefits.

Ah yeah that makes sense