||BUD TALK|| The undeniable failure of cannabis prohibiton in the U.K.

in cannabis •  7 years ago  (edited)

Walk around any town or city in the U.K. in this foul year of our Lord, 2017, and you'll eventually get a whiff of something musky. A deep, protruding odour that cloys to the back of your nostrils. That smell, is cannabis.

Since 28th September, 1971, campaigns to muddy the plant's name have been ongoing; but have never really got anywhere. People have been thrown in jail, freedoms taken away and examples made.. but cannabis is still in abundance all over the land, and there is no sign that it's going to change. The plant is taking a stand and communicating it's message clearly; users are understanding it's spirit. This is not just a drug, it is a life form with a consciousness; and one that is much needed in a world full of people that are continually desensitised by the day. It has a message for the people, and one it will keep repeating until it's heard above all the total insanity of the world which is plastered across our TV screens by the day.

Impossible to walk in this muck.

The ability to escape an overworked mind is limited to alcohol or sleeping tablets, as far as british legislation is concerned. The concept of reaching alternative states of mind is not valued, or promoted. The very word consciousness will send most people to sleep, there is just no interest in it.. and of course the scope of depth surrounding the exploration of it is feared by many too. So as a people we switch off with alcohol if we want to wind down with a substance.
Meditation if you're down with the whole straight-edge thing.

Unlike the use of alcohol which subdues any form of cognitive thought and gets a drinker stuck deeper in it, accompanied by a bitchy perpetual turbulence; cannabis allows it's partaker to take a conscious back seat from the mind's workings; allowing the brain to scan a much wider field of information. There are so many strains with so many variations on the theme, but that is ultimately the underlying theme. Pride of the soul comes before troubles of the heart, and as you're seperated apart from the current stress of the mind and indeed the mind itself, memories in full vivid detail are able to be recalled. Relived, on demand; neuroplasticity takes place as you have the ability to seamlessly weave in and out of these moments in your life. It's use is not about addiction. It's about the ongoing conversations with a plant spirit that provide practical information which you can readily apply to your life, if you choose to use it that way. Intention and choice is another aspect of cannabis use as everything can be abused; but it is a plant teacher at it's core. It will show you the errors of your ways, and show you the path to sorting them out; which nine times out of ten turns out to be common sense. Something that is lacking heavily in today's World.

As the rest of the World moves closer to equipping and applying the medical findings and ultimately acceptance of cannabis, the UK moves further away. Our infantile government are in denial, they're deceiving their people, and their whole stance of cannabis is a direct act of war. IF activation of the endocannabinoid system via cannabinoids (smoking/eating cannabis) can selectively target cancer cells, sending them direct messages to self-destruct; through two functions of an organism called autophagy and apoptosis, and a government denies it's people knowledge and access to such a thing, then surely that can only be seen as an act of war.

But no. The rest of the World is wrong; they are right. Far from considering it's productive application in many many areas, the focus is on and promoting the negative. Promoting cases of individuals misusing it; or the violence surrounding the result of prohibition. That is the vibe they want going out into the collective consciousness, and so far I'd say they've done well.

But the plant still remains. It's still communicating to people on a monumental scale, shining it's light into people's lives where needs be. It's not giving up and it's not going anywhere fast.

Failed attempts at prohibition have led to dangerous times for the less savvy smokers, as contamination over the years has worked in their favour. What better than to report on contaminated cannabis problems, as if they are the result of the cannabis itself? Contamination in the U.K. has gone from as obvious as finding beads of glass in the bottom of your bag, to tiny silicone pockets within the buds, to more sneaky and insidious ways. Screening buds for trichiomes and spraying solutions back onto the buds that blast people's heads off and gives the false impression that it's quality gear. Unless you know where it's come from, it's getting to be a very dangerous game. Even chemicals and fertilizers remaining through no flush cycles can be equally as problematic as intentional contamination, and there's plenty of commercial growers putting sub-par weed out that's not doing anything for anyone's health. It is a very risky time for newcomers to 'try' cannabis, as so much of it is polluted; again, a direct result of prohibition.

Cannabis smokers are seemingly becoming more open about their use, and realising that morally they have nothing to feel guilty about in using it. This mentality and approach in itself is crucial to using it without causing yourself problems and self doubt. Many use cannabis with a clear conscience, which is how it is supposed to be used, and it will obviously stand to trigger paranoia if you've been taught since the womb that it is inherently evil and should not be used. The government facilitates the scenarios for issues to result from cannabis use, and yet have the audacity to claim that cannabis causes those issues. Government like to make examples of individuals and put cases across in support of a larger agenda. They've been doing it with cannabis for years, and I'd say it's worked.

The hypocrisy of selling alcohol and allowing people to drink themselves to levels of untold damage has always got under my skin. It is bare-faced audacity. Alcohol suppresses consciousness, it's no secret; and no wonder it's legal and promoted in Britain. A drunk is far more likely to dance (badly) and fall over, than to sit and spark up an introspective chat about the current state of affairs and beyond; the spectrum of life and our place in the unfolding universe.

What I think the Government have come to realise, is that the propaganda they've put out over the years has failed. People have seen right through it, even non-users.. and the game is over. They simply do not have the resources to combat the new wave, especially when these days cannabis users can easily be armed with medical research publications from reputable sources, and U.S. Govt. Patents on the benefits of cannabinoids. The health benefits of cannabis cannot be denied; and their desperate hopes to slam it further into the ground are outdated; relying on an age-old model with limited information in the public domain. Time honoured tradition cannot serve them in this foul year of our Lord 2017, but you can be sure of one thing until the day they finally do admit defeat... they're going to put up ONE HELL of a fight.

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Couldn't agree more when you were stating the importance of having your intentions towards positive energy when consuming the plant. People need to understand that cannabis only has the ability to magnify what kind of person you are or want to be. It is absurd to think that cannabis kills braincells and makes you lazy just because the tv said so. If your intentions are pure, ingesting the plant in any way will give you multiple benefits.