It Took 474 Years to Find Out Tobacco was Harmful

in cannabis •  8 years ago 

images (1).jpgIt was 1492 when Columbus arrived on a beach in the Bahamas and was gifted some dry leafs from the native Arawaks.
Beginning 1800s scientists were just starting to figure out chemicals in tobacco were harmful.
images (2).jpg
During the 1950, reasearch was finally being published linking tobacco to lung cancer.
1964 Surgeon General's Report finally comes out.
And finally in 1966 warning on cigarette packs begin to be printed.

I hope that by reading this people will acknowledge that we need to think for ourselves more often and do our own research before diving into a new piece of the world. If we wait for the government to tell us its bad in anyway will already to late for millions of people.

Research is power.... Much love to all my Steemit members who research daily.

Thank for reading and becoming more aware. Please follow me for future post and have a wonderful day.

Images found google imaged search [cigarette images]
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good post, @dualsoft

Thank you for support my friend, follow me for future post and ill follow you

Quit 3 weeks ago. But still enjoy my flowers!

Yea buddy thata great.... havent smoked tobacco in 4 years now but i smooooke the green daily

Feel free to add me future cannabis culture posts and ill add u as well