How to protect the ozone layer

in capa •  7 years ago 

La denominada capa de ozono es una concentración de este gas que recubre parte de la atmósfera del planeta Tierra, en una franja entre 15 y 50 kilómetros de altura, y lo protege de las radiaciones ultravioletas del sol por el hecho de reunir el 90% del ozono presente en la atmósfera. La acción de los gases clorofluorocarbonados (CFC), presentes en multitud de usos industriales y domésticos, como en los aerosoles destruye las moléculas de ozono y han provocado un agujero en la Antártida del tamaño de Estados Unidos, que aún sigue abierto a pesar de los esfuerzos de los gobiernos por reducir estas emisiones perjudiciales. Por ello, te contamos lo que puedes hacer tú también a nivel individual si quieres saber cómo cuidar la capa de ozono.
Compra bombillas de bajo consumo y sustituye las convencionales que tengas en tu casa, ya que necesitan menos electricidad y, por lo tanto, requieren la utilización de menos recursos naturales y emisiones para producir esa cantidad de energía.

Lleva a cabo un buen mantenimiento del congelador y del aire acondicionado, ya que si se averían podrían producir una fuga de estos gases al exterior. Si vas a adquirir un aparato nuevo, compra uno que cumpla con los requisitos de sostenibilidad ambiental y no contengan los mencionados CFC, y si notas que el aparato en cuestión ya no enfría apenas, avisa a un técnico.

Si tienes que comprar extintores, comprueba que no contengan halones, ya que estas sustancias también son perjudiciales para la capa de ozono.
How to protect the ozone layer

  • Avoid the purchase and subsequent consumption of aerosols or spray whose composition involves chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases. * Avoid the use of extinguishers that contain halons, a very aggressive substance for the ozone layer. "

The ozone layer remained constant until the arrival of the industrial era and with it began a substantial decrease in the amount of ozone at the poles, mainly in Antarctica that was such that it is even known as "the ozone hole". The problem with the ozone hole is that the sun's rays pass without the ultraviolet filter and its ability to generate problems in the skin of animals (including us humans) rises to impressive levels, some with triggers of serious diseases like skin cancer or serious eye problems.

Limits the use of the car and devices equipped with an internal combustion engine. If you have an option, use the collective transport or move on foot or by bicycle.

Take care of your driving. Do not drive on the basis of sudden accelerations or go at high speed, since you will consume more fuel to travel the same distance. If you are going to stand for more than a minute, do not leave the engine running.

Do not buy spray cans or aerosols that contain CFC gases. Check the package that contains a badge or a logo that indicates it, almost all have it. Likewise, it is necessary to avoid consuming foods packed in boxes made with polystyrene foams and do not buy synthetic foams containing CFC, since sometimes they are also used to make these materials.

Do not leave the electrical appliances on in stand-by mode, since at the end of the year they also represent an important electrical expense for the house. Study which appliances spend more electricity in your home and try to reduce their use or replace them with more efficient models.

In addition to taking care of the ozone layer you must take care of yourself to avoid having any health problem referred to it, follow these tips and you will do well:

If you go to the sun use glasses with UV protection (ultraviolet)
Wear hat
Do not expose yourself to the sun between 11 am and 3 pm
Use approved sunscreen creams
Do not throw your old air conditioner, refrigerator or freezer into the landfill or waste bin. Take it to a clean point where you can properly treat the polluting residues inside.
Create awareness among yours, especially among the youngest ones, so that they learn to take care of their environment and assume sustainable habits in a natural way.
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