in capable •  7 years ago 

Some things in life should not just happened by chance and time,planning your life to a larger extent involves determination, determinism,notwithstanding involves an appraisal of the past, moral choice of the present geared towards a beautiful future,
Why then do we fail, why do we procrastinate, could it be lack of time or finances ,may because of the failure of the past. Whatever it may be,If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. If you don't, you’ll find numerous excuses.
There is an action(force) before a body moves from one point to another say the fundamental laws of physics, lack of decision results to inaction, why not chose to try and fail, than fail to try.
You are not born a winner; you are not born a loser. You are born a chooser.
‎BUT is a word joining an optimistic statement to a pessimistic sentence, it is just a word you use when you’re afraid to try.
History is made by those who BREAK THE RULES, you don't need to break the rules of the polity but the rules of being indecisive in serious matters of existence.
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
Learn to ignore distractions just like the way we ignore Terms & conditions of any software.
Laziness is the mother of all bad habbits but ultimately she is a MOTHER and we should respect her.
Inability to act is a causal effect of indecisiveness generated from fear and procrastination whose final state is making the human brain to forget what we want to remember and remembering what we want to forget.

Stay inspired, I'm Mr capable FB_IMG_1514380490124.jpg

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