Comedian Explains The Singularity, God, The Invisible Hand, and The Free Market in Epic Rant

in capitalism •  8 years ago  (edited)

Most people have probably never heard of Gavin McInnes, but I think his star is on the rise. He may not be the comedian we want, but he may very well be the comedian we need. In a world of safe-spaces, people who get offended at the drop of a hat, people who think that yelling at someone or looking at them for too long is rape, Gavin McInnes is out there challenging these nouveau-religious dogmas in the most direct, admittedly offensive, often hilarious, ways. But in yesterday's show he took care to point out that though he is "in the trenches shoveling shit" he is actually optimistic about the future:

Because we exist in the present and our sense of time is bounded by our lifespans we tend to lose sight of the larger trends. Technology progresses. Standard of living improves. Humanity as an organism continues to acquire more and higher quality information even if many within it (arguably everyone within it) appear ignorant or violent. We are marching toward the singularity even if at times it seems like we're moving backward. Steemit and Steem are just one manifestation of this progress.

All the awful things in this world galvanize us to create solutions which improve all our lives.

I, Pencil: How a pencil gets made

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I have enjoyed some of his comedy, but the "America is the freest country in the world" stuff should really stop at this point. We're ranked 11th. IMO, too many people are brainwashed by American Exceptionalism so much so that I don't even think it should be given a pass in a joke. That said, I totally agree this is the greatest time to be alive and in (one of) the greatest locations on earth to live (the U.S.). Related, here's my favorite visualization of that data from the BBC:

Steven Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature gets into some of this as well.

Very cool.

In this world you should listen to comedians more than politicans...

Well, some comedians ;)

So true.

Completely agree. Will have to look up the comedian.... But your last couple lines are all I can see since I joined the platform....
We are marching toward the singularity even if at times it seems like we're moving backward. Steemit and Steem are just one manifestation of this progress.
Well said

The funniest part about that was the shirt he was wearing :)

Yeah, that Gavin McInnes is quite a smart and funny dude.

Frankly, I don't know what I would do without him. He makes me laugh about all the things that make my blood boil and then they don't seem like as big a deal anymore!

hahah this so good, so funny, and so true...there are always doomsayers and fear-mongers, but life always goes on expressing as beautifully as ever.

I didn't think it was possible for a Redskins fan to believe in God.

Very cool, nice read.

Never heard of Gavin before, he seems funny. Thank you for introducing him to me :) Alla x

I love Gavin. My wife hates him lol. I dont agree with all he says, but hes damn entertaining. check out his Joe Rogan interview and Coppercab interviews...hilarious!

Seen it all. Unofficial Proud Boy. Not surprised about the wife ;)
