Definitions of capitalism, socialism, communism

in capitalism •  8 years ago 

I will give definitions based on the kind of relationship existing in the workplace. I call this productive relationship in the workplace

  • Capitalism: employer-employees relationship. The employer or who owns the most part of a company, choose what to produce, how to produce the what, where to produce, when to produce, etc. I consider capitalism the least democratic way of organizing a workplace.
  • Socialism: workers relationship. Workers of a company choose, by vote or delegation, what to produce, how to produce, where to produce, when produce, etc. You see socialism today through worker cooperatives.
  • Communism: citizens relationship. The whole society chooses, always by vote or by proxy, what to produce, how to produce, where to produce, when to produce, etc.

According to the definitions I have given, capitalism and socialism today co-exist. And I imagine that the number of cooperatives has increased in recent years . Communism has never seen light, according to my knowledge. Maybe it appeared in some online video games I don't know yet.

In communism I perceive an obstacle less present in socialism. I anticipate that I perceive the same obstacle also in the current political voting system.

You can check more visiting the site Democracy at work.

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