Thousands Seized from a BLM organizer John Sullivan who was paid by media outlets like CNN for Capitol Riot footage

in capitolriots •  3 years ago  (edited)

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See evidence from Case from 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 29 filed 5.21.21

See the Facebook Frames here,
** US Vs John Earle Sullivan in the Capitol Riots of 1.6.2021 CASE 1:21-cr-00078-EGS Document 29 filed 5.21.21**

The Justice Department has seized the roughly $90,000 that John Sullivan, a self-styled leftist activist disavowed by la^ k L&v_ s Ma(t e leaders, was paid by media outlets for footage he took during the storming of the Capitol in January.

Last week, the DOJ received forfeiture search and seizure warrants for $89,875 from Sullivan’s JPMorgan Chase bank account and another $1,000 in his Venmo, arguing the agent provocateur was filmed encouraging rioters during the siege.

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For more information check out court document link in Sources at bottom.

The filing notes that Sullivan expressed excitement in audio recordings that he captured the shooting of a woman on film.

"Everybody’s gonna want this," Sullivan allegedly stated. "Nobody has it. I’m selling it, I could make millions of dollars."

"I brought my megaphone to instigate s--t. I was like, guys we’re going inside, we’re f---ing s--t up.... I’m gonna make these Trump supporters f--- all this s--t up," Sullivan allegedly told an individual on speakerphone. "But I mean you’ll see. I have it all, I have everything, everything on camera, everything I just told you, and I mean everything. Trust me when I say my footage is worth like a million of dollars, millions of dollars. I’m holding on to that s--t."

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In addition, Sullivan posted a livestream on social media around Jan. 4, 2021, in which he announced he was in Washington, D.C., for the Jan. 6 protests.

"It’s going to be massively insane ... Trump people? Damn. Damn. If it’s a mixture of Trump people and B(a_& *i_es M^t(e_ people, damn, that’s even more intense for me, that’s something I want to see," he allegedly said. "I’ll be a part of it, sure, I’ll be in it, but I don’t do illegal stuff guys. John’s a peaceful protester, I just record and show you guys the world."

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On a second recording, he "can be heard expressing excitement that he got the shooting of" Babbitt on video, saying, "Everybody’s gonna want this. Nobody has it. I’m selling it. I could make millions of dollars."

On page 7 of court documents,

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According to the complaint, Sullivan now faces eight charges related to the riot, including newly added weapons and false statements charges.

Sullivan founded an organization called Insurgence USA in the wake of protests last summer related to George Floyd.

On Sullivan's personal website and the Insurgence USA website, he describes himself as an activist for "racial justice and police reform." He has also has shared articles on his websites and social media accounts where he is referred to as a Black Lives Matter activist.

In remarks given to a small crowd at a Washington, D.C., intersection in August, Sullivan pointed to the nearby White House and said, "We ... about to burn this s--- down" and "We gotta ... rip Trump right out of that office right there," adding, "We ain't about ... waiting until the next election." He then led the crowd in a chant of, "It's time for revolution."

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Sullivan was arrested in January. A superseding indictment on Wednesday hit him with criminal counts of obstructing an official proceeding, civil disorder, entering a restricted building and disorderly conduct with a dangerous weapon, unlawful possession of a dangerous weapon on Capitol grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, false statements, aiding and abetting, and demonstrating in the Capitol. Prosecutors say Sullivan illegally carried a knife into the Capitol, and his false statement charge stems from lying to the FBI about it.

The DOJ argued that Sullivan "positioned himself with a front seat to not one, but multiple confrontations with officers at multiple locations, and made consistently gleeful exhortations about burning and breaking things."

Assistant U.S. Attorney Candice Wong argued that "where an indicted criminal defendant is enriched by profits that he would not have obtained but for his charged crime, there is a strong governmental interest in seizing those allegedly ill-gotten gains, and in ultimately removing the financial incentives for this behavior," accusing Sullivan of "immediately thinking about cashing in, [which] supports an inference that he recognized on January 6 that the more disorder he captured around him, the better footage, and more money, he stood to get."

The FBI said that law enforcement officers began to exit after Sullivan reached the Speaker's Lobby, and members of the crowd responded by moving toward the doors, with Sullivan then yelling, "Go! Go! Get this s---!"

Before entering the building, Sullivan filmed the crowd pushing through police barriers and approaching the Capitol with a large crowd, saying, “Let's go! This s--- is ours! ... Let’s burn this s--- down." As people climb up the Capitol wall, Sullivan says, "You guys are f---ing savage. Let’s go!"

He can be seen joining a crowd trying to open doors guarded by law enforcement and telling the crowd, "I have a knife — let me up," as the group broke windows. A member of the crowd said officers are "giving us the building,” and Sullivan said, "Haul that motherf---er out this b----." He could also be seen arguing with officers inside the building, telling them to "stand down."

n February, Kiersh [Sullivan's attorney] submitted invoices revealing a $35,000 payment to Sullivan from CNN for video license usage, a $35,000 payment from NBC Universal Media, a $5,000 undated payment tied to Showtime’s The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth, and a $2,375 payment from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Court filings show Sullivan received $10,000 from a redacted outlet, which can be identified as the Washington Post. It is not clear which outlet paid Sullivan the $1,000 to his Venmo.

Sullivan appears to have received nearly all of the payments after his widely publicized arrest in mid-January.

Matthew Foulger, an FBI special agent who wrote part of the April warrant application, said Sullivan's profits "would not have existed but for Sullivan’s illegal participation in and encouragement of the riots, property destruction, and violence inside the U.S. Capitol."

Foulger wrote that "Sullivan has claimed he was at the U.S. Capitol only to document and report" and claimed to be a "journalist," but Sullivan "admitted to law enforcement, however, that he has no press credentials."

Matthew Foulger noted that he found "social media postings by Sullivan that undermine his claims to be a journalist or reporter." As an example, in a YouTube video from Jan. 5, Sullivan says, "I think I made up, uh — what did I say I was? Oh, yeah, I was just a journalist, but I use that all the time."

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See a Key Facebook Frames Thread post from 11.02.2021

Oh look
the talking heads have come out to play!
I'm seeing bobblehead type merch!
Note where it states, Mark Ibrahim Refused!
Not good enough for them though?
See how he faces 15 years though he Never entered the capitol and an FBI informant urged him to attend.
See how Army PSYOPS Capt. Emily Grace Rainey calls riot a possible 'false flag'
Rainey has not been charged but says she was forced out of the military.
Why did MSM Not report any of this?
Is it any wonder that Now as it is being shown how negligent they have been they are calling names once again rather than admit they never did their jobs?
Are the supporters of msm racists or something?
Asking for a friend!
A former Drug Enforcement Agency official faces up to 15 years in prison over the January 6 riot at the US Capitol, despite his insistence that he never entered the building.

Link here and Fully sourced throughout.

Sources/Connecting Articles/Reports

US Vs. John Earle Sullivan Doc Cache

And here

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