elevating a local ecconomy (how to rebuild) Captain Coin ecconomy

in captaincoin •  5 years ago 

As far as the economy goes, there are two main models that I know of. If people follow the first model then it will succeed if you follow the second model then the whole thing will come crashing down on you.

The first economic model is called capitalism.

The second economic model is called communism.

communism seems like it is much more fair, but it will end in tears because communism will only work if human beings were robots.

You have to deal with things honestly, you can not deal with things the way that you would like them to be. The honest truth is that -human beings are selfish, and greed drives humans forward--. That is the point that we must start, capitalism recognizes this flaw in human nature, while communism ignores the flaw.

(definition of capitalism)

(definition of communism)

For a more detailed explanation of why communism will not work please read about the 'Tragedy of the Commons'

Normally the term 'exploitation' is not a good word but in this example the word just means to 'use up all of the goods'. When you grow a garden and plant a tomato plant in a specific area, then next year you need to plant the tomato plant in a diffrent location...because plants take certain minerals out of the soil and other plants put certain minerals into the soil. One year I might plant a tomato plant in a certain pot but certain chemicals are takening out of the soil, so the next year I will not plant a tomato plant in the same pot because it will continue to pull the same minerals out of the soil...instead I will plant carrots into the pot because the carrot will use (of exploit) the minerals that the tomato plant left and the carrot will take certain minerals out out the soil and it will leave diffrent minerals.

Most benificial creatures will take some things but they will leave other things, I sometimes think of the things that are left behind as 'offgassing' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Outgassing

My point is that most healthy individuals take things away from a society, while thoes same people leave other things. capitalism 'gets a piggy back ride', or exploits this natural cycle. At this stage of my life I am not intrested in growing 100,000 pounds of potatoes. Instead I might grow some potatoes and some mushrooms. One farmer might want to grow more corn than he and his family can eat, while the next farmer thinks that he can be more profitable growing wheat. The farmers are producing more product than what they personaly need and they are selling the rest. If all of the wheat is not sold, then it is just common sense that the former is not going to grow so much wheat. In the empty space the farmer might grow carrots, and then people can buy some carrots at the store. The ecconomy is simply the buying and selling of goods, but a healthy ecconmy is benificial to us all, because I might want some butter but I do not own a cow (butter is made from the cream that forms on the top of the milk). some people might not want to raise cows but a capitalistic ecconomy allows both sides to happen.

The more diverse an ecconomy is, the better it is for us all, so if we want to help elevate the local ecconomy then we need to help facilitate trade.

This article is going to focous on creating a local currency

Basicly a local currency is some sort of 'token' such as a metal coin that is accepted by people. (in this example we will refere to the coin as a 'captain coin') For example, we aranged a deal with a local resturant to accept a captain coin as like a coupon. So if Joe helps me install a fence, then as pay he will recieve some money (U.S.D./United States dollar) and I will give him a couple captain coins. Then Joe is able to go to a local resturant and pay his bill with (usd) and to recieve a discount he will give away a captain coin. In turn the resturant will approach a local farmer and buy some localy grow produce (part with usd and part with captain coins)

At first the resturant can not accept 100% of the payment in captain coins, because the resturant has to buy produce that is not grown or raised by local farmers. In our example the resturant owner has to buy lobster and lobsters are not locally produced. The more goods and services that are offered then the healthier the ecconomy will be and the more that you can use captains coins. But if the resturant owner is only able to buy 'flowers' with the captain coins then the captain coin ecconomy will be a weak one!

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