▶ New coin ZERO coin 24 hours free mining once ◀
▶ Can mine 1.6 pieces per hour
▶ Partner company’s best bread bread
▶ Mining once every 24 hours
▶ NFT , P2E related
▶ Roadmap - 2022 3Q-~4Q
- NODE listed on large global exchanges ★
- P2E owl game beta test
- NODE swap Platform released ★
How to join
Link: https://wallet.nfblockchain.net/member/login.php?mb_recommender=johnjang9
- id
- password
- Confirm Password
- Country selection
- minus the 0 in front of the mobile number
- Email Address
"Send Verification Code" - Check your email (it will be in your spam folder)
- Enter the verification code
- Recommender node johnjang9
"Node (participant) agree to the terms and conditions"
"Sign Up"
- Please add the logged in webpage to the home screen.
24 hour cycle, +25% hash power per referrer
If you look at the end of the roadmap, it heralds the launch of the NODESwap platform. I look forward to the 2nd pancake swap.