Find what you love and let it kill you - The career revolution!

in careers •  7 years ago  (edited)


When i left school i didnt know much about life in general, i thought i did but i was naive and thought it would just work to my advantage because i was a positive go-getter, who excelled in school and i was known for my intellect and mental prowess.

4years later i was almost finished with med-school and i picked up a book relating to business, the first book on business, it was Robert Kyosaki's Before you quit your job 10 lessons...


I was medically minded and wanted to help people more than i cared about my own life but this book had created a curiosity void that i could not fill.

10 years later i had been awakened, i was tired unhappy and all the giving i had done for other people had left me uninspired and rusting in the graveyard of jobs.

Having invested in real estate and some stocks i alwayd wanted to start my own business but i didnt know in what field.

So one cold winter night with the fireplace crackling and the computer screen glaring i had the lightning bilt idea to start computer programming again.

I had taken some software engineering classes at university level but never anything serious.

Building my very own mall shopping experience the bug had bitten me and i was enthralled by creating anything i wanted.

I want to create a restaurant no problem, i want to build a goldmine kaching there it is, i want to build a website or stock trading algorithmic robot - simple.

And that's how i started programming everyday, 16-20hours everyday...needless to say i fell in love and this passion transformed the way i thought about everything, it consumed my dreams and it les me on a path to create a life in the way that it can become a part of the life of everyone.

This is my passion and it will be with me until the day i die and everyone needs something that consumes them this way - i call it the 'great escape' from reality and all of its struggles...

It took me a long time thru assisting with births and autopsies and hip replacements and diabetes treatments, prescribing anitanxiety medicines for the depressed divorcee to listening to the ramblings of hypochondriacs.

To realize that i want to change the world by creating it in a new way thru the power of technology and although its recent for me i hope that anyone who has found themselves reading this far would know that it's never too late too change and if you are killing yourseld for a job title or a paycheque its better to kill yourself for a passion...

If you have found yourself here before or you there today drop a comment and we can discuss your talents and passions and maybe your can have a career revolution!

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