erun like a lightning strike like this zigzag Kievan Rus divided into three parts of the shrimp powerful magic west-east and center ethers characteristic characters and wit see next we will find people who keep the skill of the ancient wise men of the last descendants of the ancient magicians on ourselves we will check also the Kasilov and learn what knowledge unite the Ukrainian characteristic respond mollar they are called called wives of the devil by dark women you on the screen steal rain and dew groom on earth raging flood That's what they give neighbor cows of other people's husbands and never grow old witch 1 follower techno flora wild wails passed first they were angry and menacing then became weaker more pleasantly more often and then already quiet where your rang like thin silver bells involuntarily flashed in the mind of the mind exactly summe
Perun like a lightning strike like this zigzag Kievan
7 years ago by napolnimbul (21)
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