Nutrition & Healing
I broke my fast after about 17.5 hours this morning. The other half of the package of New York strips from Colorado Craft Beef was calling my name, so I made that along with five eggs that I fried and topped with a little Parmigiano-Reggiano. That's a cheese I have been really liking lately.
My second meal of the day was actually with my whole family and my parents' house. We try to get together at least once a month and have a meal. Today was taco night. I mostly just ate some ground beef that my mom cooked, then added shredded cheese and baked in the oven until the cheese was all melty.
My brother also made some shredded beef that had more spices and herbs that I'm used to eating, but no sugar and no seed oils. It was really good! I did eat some "regular" cheese and sour cream, but I am not super strict about the raw milk cheese thing. I do sometimes notice a little inflammation after consuming a lot of dairy like that, but it's nothing severe.

Stella and I got out on our first walk in a few days! You can read all about it in today's Actifit post by clicking right here.

You can also click on this image to read the post.
I listened to an episode of Mind Body Breakthroughs today with Dawson Church called Mind to Matter: Manifesting the Life you Desire. It was a really good listen for the decently long walk Stella and I took today. It was all about the healing power of positive energy... or that's what I took away from it anyway. I'd definitely recommend the episode.

Less Twitter
I deleted Twitter from my phone today after posting this tweet
I like Twitter sometimes because some of the people there are helpful and insightful. I hate Twitter sometimes because I get sucked into toxic conversations. Sometimes, I'll make the mistake of checking the trending topics and that'll bring me down a path I don't necessarily need to go down.
Whether or not it'll stay off of my phone forever remains to be seen, but if I have to wait until I'm sitting in front of my computer to read it, maybe it won't consume so much of my time and I won't feel so shitty about it.
There's a book I've currently got on loan from the library that I need to finish reading in the next couple of days called The Dog Stars. This morning, I was attempting to get a lot of reading done. Instead, my phone ended up in my hand, scrolling through Twitter, almost subconsciously. After I put it in another room like I said I was going to do in the tweet, I got a lot more read and I'm about 80% finished with the book.
Because I've already renewed it twice so far, I need to finish and return it before the 29th or I'll start accruing late fees. The fees are only $.10 a day, though, so it's not super serious.
Featured Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://sharkthelion.com/carnivore-75-hard-redux-day-five/
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