One Day as a Shark (Day 14,961): Slight Change of Format

in carnivorediet •  5 years ago 

On Saturday, I made a post about giving up on the Carnivore 75 Hard Redux challenge and no longer making those types of posts. Why did I do that? Well, because I strayed from the challenge enough times that I felt a little silly continuing on it with it. Also, some of the things I was doing in order to fulfill certain aspects of it (such as walking around in my basement just to get steps in) made me feel a little foolish, to be honest.

Day 14,961? What's that? Well, that's how many days I've been alive. The format of my blog posts now will just be a daily journal instead of about a specific (albeit sort of vague) "challenge."

What will I be posting instead?

Honestly, I'm planning on making very similar posts to the ones I was already making, but they'll just be in the format of a daily journal, and not every single one will have the same format or subject matter. I'll still be sharing videos I find useful, still mentioning how long I may have fasted or what I ate that day.

Instead of mentioning my Actifit post in these posts, though, I'll just keep all of the fitness stuff over in the daily Actifit posts. The reason I do that is that the posts are rewarded on the Steem blockchain. Obviously, I still want to get in walks and hikes, but I won't worry about it if I don't get 10,000 steps in every single day. I'll just find other ways to be active for the day.

Reset button

Yesterday, I ate some things I normally wouldn't, including a lot of sugar and carbs. Although I don't want to dwell on it or beat myself up over it, I don't feel the best today. My plan is to do a bit of a longer fast as sort of a reset and then get back on track. That's all I really can do.

Food Spending

One thing I was thinking about blogging about is the amount of money it cost me to eat for any given day. Mostly because I wanted to figure this out for myself. My wife and I use a program called YNAB (You Need a Budget) to do some pretty strict budgeting with our money. Both of us wanted to see if we could get our grocery bill down. While I do want to support regenerative agriculture and sustainable meat, I don't know that it's really in our budget to do it all the time.

To be clear, the focus would be to make the cost as low as possible, and this would mean compromising in some ways. While I understand that this would not be ideal for a lot of people (especially those with the means to buy grass-fed and grass-finished everything), I also know that there are a lot of people out there who are also on tighter budgets who may find the information useful.

The steaks I have in the freezer that already came from Butcher Box will make some of my meals seem more expensive, but the free ground beef and bacon I got in the box will bring down some of the averages. Instead of adding those free items into the cost of the box itself, I'll just record the cost as $0 when I eat them.

Right now, I'm just using Google sheets to keep track of this, but I think I want to set it up as a relational database so it's easier to keep track of. It'll be a fun project to work on as well. Shit, maybe I can make an app out of it and make some beef money! It'll be a work in progress and I'm not sure how, when, or if I'll be posting the results.

Recommended Video

Peak Human is one of my favorite podcasts. Brian Sanders is a very open-minded and gracious host and finds some of the most interesting guests to interview. The subject of this interview will surely be interesting to just about anyone, as we all deal with getting old and the trials and tribulations related to that. If we're lucky, anyway. If not us, then surely we may know someone who is getting older and dealing with cognition issues or finding their body is failing them.

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