RE: Real nervous!!!!

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Real nervous!!!!

in cars •  7 years ago  (edited)

you gotta negotiate see how far you can push the monthly price down , also walking away from a bad deal does work , they will be beg you to come back the next day and doing it at the end of the month also gives you some leverage as the sales guy more than likely has not met his quota and has very little time to do so and will be willing to compromise more.

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Well sadly I am just going to go look at the car tomorrow but I don’t have any form of cash unless I sell my current one! The car I am looking at is work almost 9k so idk how much interest will add so probs 11k?
I want a new car but imma have to struggle haha.

@markmorbidity Even if you have the car on finance you will be able to negotiate the price as they usually obtain finance elsewhere and not directly through them. Also when I went to purchase a car in January the interest can also be lowered if you have good credit. Always push them to see how far they can go as it usually ends up in you saving at least a few hundred pound if not thousands good luck :)

Thank you! I will do that!
My credit is fair! Used to be Good but I got some hard inquiries when applying for a loan and it lowered it a couple points.
I will talk with them in person and see what's up!

Well the insurance is what killed it :/ full coverage would of been 450 and wouldn't of not made it feasible to pay it off :/

Hopefully another will come up soon enough. I wish my insurance was 450 I pay over 700 as I added my wife who's a new driver and my motorbike insurance is another 400 a year :( and she wants another car 😭😓