Damn Ford's....

in cars •  7 years ago 

Hello Steemains!

Well I just found this out about my lovely suv...


I brought it into the shop yesterday to have them get a better look at it.
Half of the exhaust system is detached which is making it sound like a loud diesel truck and shake like crazy. I was so happy I was able to make it to the shop! lol
They say the "check engine light" is flashing (which started yesterday on the way to the shop) because the reflex pipe is misfiring. PLUS will need a new ignition coil... uuhh...


Last year at the same time, I had an issue with my powersteering system... it was terrible!
I believe what people say about Ford's are true- about them being easily breakable/Found.On.Road.Dead kind of stuff. I personally would never get another Ford because of what I have experienced with mine in not even 2 years!
Even though it is a 2003...
Plus, I would never buy privately for a vehicle again... I was told to buy a used from dealership, but at the time I was only working a part-time job.
I am soo close to finishing my SUV, but its costly me LOTS of money. So I am definitely going to keep it until it breaks down!

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Road salt is my enemy, rust and corrosion everywhere.

Yeah I am planning on painting over and aplying rust preventive stuff around the wheel wells...
But it's my first car 😒

I just drive beater cars, some call them rust buckets, I call them patina.