I sold my $Million Dollar car collection to save the World.

in cars •  8 years ago 

I sold my car collection to raise funds for my scientific research. I am a rogue research scientist. I am not part of the pompous University elite social network. I never bought into the University politics and Government Grant Club that is so prevalent in the United States. This left me out of any possible funding or bank loans. No one believed in the possibilities of what this technology could accomplish and the impact it would have on the world. So there went my car collection up for sale. One by one, my cars left to a new home. I new I would never see or drive them again. My collection started since I was 16 years old and all of my assets went into building the collection over a 21 year period. It might seem funny, but I had a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach. Am I doing the right thing? Am I crazy? No more car shows. No more cruises. No more leisure Sunday drives. It is just the opposite of Jay Leno's Garage YouTube show and his car collection.

My research involved the creation of Cold Plasma ions (Hydrogen and Oxygen) that can be generated in occupied spaces. What does this mean?

Well, the design of Photo Catalytic Oxidation (PCO) cells allow the generation of +Hydrogen and -Oxygen ions. Two of us designed a technological PCO cell that generates millions of ions per cubic centimeter (the greatest in the world to date). Once these plasma ion clusters are generated, they can be propelled into a room. Any virus (RNA+ or RNA-) any Bacteria (Gram- or Gram+)is neutralized in 100th of a second that exists in the air or on a surface. This plasma, however, is PERFECTLY safe to Humans, Animals and Plants. What does this mean?

It means the technology exists to save millions of human lives, right here, right now! Here is what this technology does

  1. Kills all Hospital Acquired Infections (nosocomial). Causing 100's of thousands of deaths and over $20 Billion a year Globally
  2. Kills all harmful food pathogens such as E-Coli, Salmonella and Listeria. Effecting millions of people and $200 Billion a year Globally.
  3. Kills harmful Mold/Mildew which effects millions of people daily and costs over $50 Billion a year Globally.
  4. Kills all harmful plant pathogens. Creates healthy indoor greenhouse growing for the organic food industry
  5. Neutralizes harmful indoor Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's). Indoor air pollution is the #1 health problems Globally. It effects over 4 Billion people with an estimated health cost of over $100 Billion a year. Building materials off gas Formaldehyde, Acrylics and Glues that are harmful and Carcinogenic to breath in.
  6. Reduces pollen and dust that aggravate millions who suffer from Asthma and Allergies
  7. Eliminates all odors naturally and safely (not just masking them with perfumes)

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This technology is a global game changer. It can save millions of lives and Billions of dollars world wide. It was my greatest scientific achievement to date. You would think the world would be beating the door down to have such an effective and safe technology that helps so many industries such as Health Care, Food and Indoor Air Quality in Buildings.

Nope. It made enemies in high places. The technology works too good. It threatens too many existing industries that are inefficient and ineffective. I have had opposition from high places and threats. Only a hand full of Hospitals and Food Corporations use the technology. The rest refuse to implement the technology despite the $Millions of dollars of proven University research studies. The global community would be truly pissed and angry if they knew what was going on behind the scenes. How many people have died that would be alive today if the technology were in use? What is the price tag of a dead love one that could be with us today if only?

I can not tell you how disappointed I am with the global system we have today. The world needs to know just how screwed up it really is. I have had hundreds of people world wide personally thank me for the invention and how much it has helped and changed their lives. That makes me feel good but I often wonder if I had to do it all over again if I would do it. (I spent $ millions of dollars and over 11.5 years to discover the technological break through). That thought crosses my mind every time I see a type of car that I used to own at a car show or in a magazine. For now, I drive my sedan and wonder just how many people know, that the man in the car next to them, has invented something to change the world for the better but they will never know.

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hmm good

They need people to get sick to make money, they need people to die on time to control population, they need to make everyone miserable to have no energy to fight back. You are disturbing their plans, just like how Tesla did with free energy.