LEVIN in car accident. (shit happens)

in cars •  8 years ago  (edited)

Well...sometimes we got situations wich we unexpected.
Kiss concrete lamp post. a40fc9cs-960.jpg
But, LEVIN got problems with body geometry. Now it's will be fixed.

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Hello ronin-do! I feel really sorry for you. Maybe the good thing is that everything is allright and you are ina perfect health. We all have such accidents. Well i wish you much luck here and in your life. Cheers!

Thanx! It was a couple of years ag. I'm ok. Wife was a little shocked.

Haha, I love the Domo doll on the bumper.

He is outraged about accident)))

thats painfull(

Became better)

Do you have photo's?

Just one. Надо было сваливать быстрее. Я чуть столб не завалил, мог на штраф попасть. Хотя можно было бы откусаться, там все из за люка колодца произошло. Но чтоб не возиться - я просто свалил...