Top 5 cars brands

in cars •  7 years ago 

Hi, guys/steemians social blogger is here. I hope all of you are fine. The car is a basic need for humans. In all over world different famous cars brands launch new versions and models day by day. Today our article is on cars brands. I hope you will enjoy reading this article & appreciate me. So let's start.
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Mercedes Benz

Mercedes Benz is a German automobile based company. This company knows as luxury cars. Dieter Zetsche is a c.e.o of Mercedes group. Mercedes win different awards in different shows. The famous car models of Mercedes is Z 600 & z 300L.


Audi is a German-based company. Audi is also known as luxury cars. Audi is a member of VW (Volkswagon group). Rupert Stadler is CEO of audi. This company makes expensive cars in all over the world.
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Everybody knows Ferrari. Ferrari is Italian based sports car company. Ferrari launch first Carvin 1940. Many movie makers shoot Ferrari in different movies. Sergio is a CEO of Ferrari.
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Honda is cheap rate company. honda is Japanese based company. the net worth of Honda is 3.44 billion yuan. Taka Hiro is a Ceo of Honda.
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Lamborgini is an Italian group. They made a different luxury sports car. Lamborghini is also a member of Volkswagen group. Stefano is a CEO of Lamborghini group.
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Thank you
Regards @socialblogger 😘

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