The counted hours remain before the start of the ICO of CarTaxi, so if you do not already participate in this project, you have the opportunity to do it today. CarTaxi is a platform in which all evacuation services will be registered and licensed. The headquarters of CarTaxi is located in St. Petersburg. This is an existing product that has been tested.
The CarTaxi platform is based on smart contracts. Blocking will allow to adjust the evacuation market and make it more accessible and safe. CarTaxi, is the world's first platform for the transport of cars on blocking technology. The project has been successfully launched in the Russian market and already operates in more than 15 cities of Russia.
With blocking technology, CarTaxi will have more advantages than traditional operators, and these benefits can help CarTaxi achieve global expansion. The technology of blocking can also speed up the process of settlements with partners and holders of CTX tokens.
A smart contract will provide an interface for the company's business processes, from registering new customers to new ones until the successful completion of the sales order and mutual settlement between the participants. After receiving each new order, the intellectual contract takes into account the client's location, the main parameters of the car and the estimated time of arrival. If the tow truck does not arrive at the client at the specified time, it will be authorized. When the trailer arrives, the trailer personnel checks the order data with the system and records the damage to the vehicle. If the data does not match, the smart contract will not allow you to access the next stage - loading the car.
Applications CarTaxi will work on all platforms, including iOS, Android and PC. The company cooperates with third-party contractors with evacuators to help provide basic services to corporate and general society by moving broken, inappropriately parked, confiscated or uncorrected cars from main roads to avoid obstacles to free movement of traffic, towing.
CarTaxi takes care of its customers, so they provide insurance services. This will allow customers to be sure that their property is safe and safe, and also guarantees that standard structures and processes will be created that will allow satisfying and surpassing business goals, and remain competitive in the industry. Partner CarTaxi and potential customers can be sure that they will get quality services at competitive prices.
The goal of CarTaxi is to provide excellent towing services for customers and to cover other markets. Until 2018, the company plans to cover the market of Russia and China.
CarTaxi guarantees that all deliveries will be timely and customers with a mobile application will be able to quickly call the tow truck. In the mobile application, customers will also be able to view the order history and the current balance.
The company guarantees that they are responsible for the highest standards and are fully prepared to meet customer needs and develop a working environment that will provide a human, sustainable approach to earning for partners, employees and customers.
ICO will last until October 29, 2017. CarTaxi plans to issue 500 million CTX coins, of which 12.5 million will be sold at the preliminary ICO stage, and the rest will be sold at the ICO stage. In the preliminary ICO stage, investors will be able to buy CTX at a 50% discount (1CTX = 0.000443ETH).
Sale of foreign exchange income CTX will be invested in the development of the platform. CarTaxi plans to strengthen the technology of blocking in the fourth quarter of 2017.
Owners of CTX tokens will have a 100% ownership right. The type of the token is a dividend. The company plans to distribute income as follows:
25% of the company's profit will be directed to dividend payments. Dividends will be accrued once a month.
25% of the profit the company sends to buy tokens, in order to increase their market value. In the case of a lack of tokens on the market, the funds not spent are considered additional profit, respectively, increasing dividends.
For more detailed information about the project and the conditions of participation in this ICO, I recommend to visit the links below:
WEB page:
White paper: