Casey Neistat 스토리텔링 테크닉

in caseyneistat •  7 years ago 

Neistat Cut-Off: Abruptly cutting in the middle of a sentence right at the moment the audience knows what's about to be said

The Continuous Thought: Starting to provide information in one location, then finishing in another

Associative Cut: Tacking on some kind of referencial video/sound clip that goes with what's being said

Neistat Montage: Rapid cuts that show the progression of (usually) a single task

The Neistat Zoom: Simply bringing the camera closer to the face to intensify moment/"cut" to new camera angle

Neistat Transitions: Using in-camera transitions, like putting down/picking up camera, "lens slap", etc.

Neistat Mise en Scène: Using limited resources to make every shot look unique.


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