Slavery, something which in its repulsiveness, is abhorred and rejected by all decent human beings can, and has, historically manifested in many forms.
Slavery can occur as a result of an overt act of invasion of a nation, and subsequent physical enslavement of its people.
Slavery can also occur insidiously, by stealth, barley perceptible for what it truly is, until it is too late for potential victims, to effectively resist.
The Oxford Dictionary partly defines slaves as follows:
“A condition compared to that of a slave in respect of exhausting labour or restricted freedom.”
It is to the latter part of the above definition, that we now look, to understand what cashlessness (i.e. the absence of tangible hard currency) will unquestionably mean for societies.
To my mind, the current obscene drive, by financial institutions and Governments towards cashlessness, without question, is a drive by stealth, into a 21st Century dark enslavement.
This short film, through the lens of a small number of 2017 tweets, seeks to raise awareness in relation to the weapon of cashlessness, which both financial and administrative elites are using, in the opinion of the film maker, to prepare the way for further world wealth harvesting, and the control enslavement of national societies -
If you share the views of the author i.e. that cashlessness is an anti freedom move which will enslave societies and therefore must be resisted, then please share the above video as far and wide as possible.