If you are like me, you will have memories of sometimes having experienced childhood nightmares. Picture the scene: you would be put to bed; your room light would be dimmed or perhaps switched off and you would be expected to drift away, quickly seamlessly and quietly into the rejuvenating land of nod. Well, as many of us know, it did not always work out that way. Our agile developing minds were nothing if not creative and persuasive. Depending on prevailing weather conditions e.g. stormy nights; thunder and lightning, rain driving against our bedroom windows, any manner of ghoul or goblin were likely to pay our consciousness or semi-consciousness a visit.
Nights would come and go, but oft-times the frequently visiting ghoul or goblin theme, would repeat itself. It could become constant, chipping away at our youthful psyche, in efforts to gain a firm foot hold within your nighttime existence. Our edginess about what might be lurking under the bed, or within the deep dark recesses of the wardrobe or among the curtain folds, would increase. By times in the night, we might wake suddenly and fearfully from a deep slumber, as if alerted, bathed in sweat and as we begin to come around, amid the dim or darkened room, see malevolent and threatening shapes moving anywhere within the room.
So much for nightmares. Only things of childhood; right? Well, no actually. What we are going to consider, during the balance of this article, is something which could best be summarised as a daymare. Yes, a daymare. Something which has begun to unfold, in recent years, at an ever-increasing pace and now at an even faster pace, by the month. It is something, which without question, will guarantee a nightmarish ( or daymarish if you like) existence for hundreds of thousands of ordinary salaried and waged people i.e. those among us who must trade our precious limited time, in exchange for money (a living). I am of course referring to the now obsessive drive by financial institutions, towards “a cashless society”.
Before we move further into the article, let’s pause for a brief period, to hear from a “a Banker”, albeit a dramatised confession. Mr.Banker will give us some insight into how the very ancient art of Banksterism, deeply controls our lives. Listen attentively as Mr.Banker explains to you how he “controls the money, which controls your life.” How Banking advertising mesmerised you. How the “game” is “rigged”and how “real power” is in the hands of the few. He will reveal Banksterisms long-term aim i.e. for a “microchip world” and will end up with the confession, that it was the Banks who funded and supported the murderous Nazi regime headed by Adolf Hitler. Over to you now Mr.Banker -
Cash is freedom. Freedom is cash. Never forget this!
As individuals, we need to become very vocal on this issue. We need to rail against the cashless agenda, which as night follows day, is in the interest only, of the controlling few Banksters who have contrived this notion (yes a coterie of the infamous 1%). For millennia, our world has successfully existed, alongside tangible money. Tangible money has successfully oiled the wheels of commerce, at both small trader level and in big business. It has given small traders a much-needed sense of security and of personal control over their existence; something which has been vital, for their livelihoods and for their wellbeing. So, what possible advantage to ordinary people could there be now, in the war which is obviously being waged on cash? None, I suggest. However, there will be, as is already being demonstrated, with the overt cashless drive in India, massive disadvantages.
We already have “the state”, in so many countries, drilling ever deeper into our private lives via snooping and covert surveillance. They would claim that they have obtained authority from the people for such massive intrusiveness, by virtue of the implied threat of terrorism. Likewise, the current champions of cashlessness (i.e. the Banks) will loudly proclaim, that we must head in the cashless direction, so as to reduce the risk of proceeds of crime “money laundering”. Well, this might come as a big surprise to the cashless devotee fraternity, but crime existed pre tangible money, alongside tangible money and will still exist, in a variation on a theme, in cashless context. Has anyone ever hear of white-collar crime?
Ok. We are now aware of the drive towards cashlessness. Consider this. Supposing tomorrow cash was totally abolished and the only way you could confirm that you had something to live on, was by way of logging into your Bank account and reading figures on their screen (THEIR SCREEN). Realise, that any deposits you may have in any Bank, even at this moment, represent only a PROMISE by that Bank ultimately to pay you the amount. So, what happens if the Bank goes bust? No problem I hear you say, the Government guarantee is available and they will repay up to €100,000. Wonderful! Another PROMISE. What if the Government changes and the new Government does away with, or radically reduces that promise to pay? You now have NO CASH. What are you going to live on?
Every individual, world-wide, needs to get on board, in a massive push back, against cashlessness! Talk to your neighbour, your family, your public representative anyone and everyone about this. Shout it from the roof tops, until you are hoarse! If you do not, mark my words, the Banks in collusion with Governments, will mercilessly steam roll this in.
Ever heard the term “bail-in?” Of course you have. Ever heard the term “negative interest rates?” I’ll be you have heard that latter one also. Will they impact upon you? Well, if you are an Ostrich and enjoy sand in your nostrils then no, probably not. However, if you are an earning human being, like the rest of us, then unless you have some level of cash, you will not escape the negative effects of what I have described above. Why do Banks want us to go cashless? Control! Control! Control! In “bail-in” context, the flick of a keyboard by the Bank and the money has disappeared instantly, from your account. Same applies in “negative interest rates” context. When (and I say when, not if) the local Banks, under instructions from the Central Banks, decide to start slicing away at your meagre savings, bang! It’s gone in an instant!
So, how do we fight back? How do we reverse this cashless tide? There are a few things we can do. Firstly, as mentioned earlier, we need to create a loud fuss. We need to be like a dog with a bone, particularly in dealing with our public representatives. NO CASHLESSNESS must continuously be our mantra and message. Because this cashlessness crusade has been accelerated, if we do nothing, 2017 could turn out to be the fatal definitive year; the year we, the ordinary people, totally lose out to the ultimate cashless domination, of Banksterism. We need to be hyper active on Social Media, constantly repeating the mantra: NO CASHLESSNESS and whenever you are posting, use this hash tag: SaveOurCash. In a broader and more strategic sense we need to actively support our local Credit Unions. We also need to advocate, for the development of a diverse network of not for profit, Community Banks.
Let me introduce you now to a wise gentleman, who for many years has advocated exactly what I have described in the penultimate sentence of the last paragraph. Some of you may already have heard of him. His name is Professor Richard Werner (pronounced: Verner). Richard has observed and eruditely commented upon, the financial world and its maneuverings over many years. One of his early important educational works was a film entitled: Princess of the Yen. In this film, Richard demonstrates, with particular reference to Japan, the massive shift in financialisation which ended up, through greed induced bubble and bust, mercilessly destroying economies and livelihoods. Take time to view the film. You will find a link to it, at the end of the article.
In a recent article entitled: “Banks create money from nothing. And it gets worse” which appeared on-line in the New Daily, authored by: Jackson Stiles; Professor Werner also wisely cautions about an evolving proposal for a basic income for all (perhaps good idea in itself), being hijacked by the Banking fraternity and Governments as a golden opportunity to push deeper into the agenda of cashlessness. He suggests that they might try to do this, by issuing basic incomes, only electronically. We need to be fully alert to this prospect and take every step available, to prevent any conditionality around any basic income, or any limited prescription for what form such payments should take. Again, I have placed a link to the article in question below.
We owe it to ourselves and to our children to vigorously fight this cashless thing. Why? Well, consider this scenario: In a cashless world you are walking along the street. You see a homeless person in a door way. Oh yes, homelessness will still exist. The guy was a political activist who the Government took a dislike to and as a result decided to break his resistance, by freezing his cashless account. Your humanity kicks in. You want to help him. You instinctively reach to your pocket for money but, hey; you are cashless, just like him. You can not even support a fellow human being, in his enforced misery. Fast forward a few years, to an era of the ubiquitous microchip. That tiny implant, which by law you had to have inserted in your arm at birth and which remotely receives your living credits (note my use of the word LIVING). Without your credits (or without cash) you die. Simple as. It’s a dystopian vision I know, but let’s make sure now, by demanding a permanent retention of cash, that neither Banks nor Governments can ever create, such a nightmare (or daymare) world.
Film: Princess of the Yen -
Article: “Banks create money from nothing. And it gets worse” -
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