The Old Dog Asks: What is The Banking Industry's End Game? Let's Just Use Steem..That's The Dream!

in cashless •  8 years ago  (edited)

Well it happened again! More strange goings-on at our "friendly" neighborhood bank!

In previous articles I outlined how the bank wanted to charge me 20% to deposit rolled up coins and how they wanted to close my account because I was suspected of being a U.S national!

What Did They do This Time?

We run a service business and so many customers pay in cash (yes of course I write them a receipt)!

Since we have employees and they also collect cash they often deposit the money in the bank for security reasons. This was never a problem until this year. Why?

Many branches of our bank no longer accept or give cash!

@lellabird60 scurried around trying to deposit the cash shown below and it took some doing!

This is the cash that we collected this week. The bank would not accept it!

There are some branches of our bank that "still" take cash and so we need to go to them now! We need to deposit the cash in order to pay bills, taxes, salary etc.. and so this is an inconvenience!

Why exactly do the banks want to go cashless?

Is this to our advantage or to exercise more control?

Wouldn't it be Great to Use Steem to Buy, Sell And Make Payments?

Points to Ponder!

  • Is society going cashless where you live?
  • Is this a normal progression or is there something more nefarious going on?
  • Would you rather just use Steem?

I hope that you enjoyed this look at "What is The Banking Industry's End Game!"

Until next time,

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@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

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There are some valuable leads as to the Banker's end game to be garnered here:

We Are Already In A Depression & It's Going To Get Much Worse:Jeff Nielson

I'll have a look! Thanks for the link!

@kus-knee - they did that in India last year
and now, that plague is in the EU?
holy crap! that's scary!
time to hoard food, basic needs and seeds

Interesting I hadn't thought of the 0% = gift = scam in the market terms :|

The Western Roman Empire fell first by the way :| bad Emperors and corruption, mercenary armies and so on, sooo it's pretty much a redo

By the looks of it, the cashless society is rising quickly and apparently so much faster out where you are than where I am!

I guess there are many arms moving towards control of cash flow through the world's societies but, luckily for us all, the presence of crypto-currencies such as Steem can keep the financial world afloat, well, thriving and healthy for everyone, not only a few...

It only "looks" as if it were a normal progression but the progression itself is staged, I believe, in an attempt to take control of the world under one umbrella. Let's keep moving this Steem ahead and work together to make it grow, faster than later. It could only be better for everyone as the dragon won't lay without a fight. The more of a fight it puts, the more destruction there will be.

Another good post and I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties your "friendly" bank is posing to your business, close ones and, of course, to you. Namaste :)

Yes you make some good points. My brother-in-law travelled to Holland and he told me that almost no one would accept cash in shops, restaurants etc. He was amazed!

WOW! This is happening very quickly out your way... Thanks for the heads-up. Namaste :)

That's a new one on me. Here in the States we have been trying to get the Feds to get rid of the penny. Our friends to the north (Canada) got rid of theirs a while back. It costs the Feds 1.5 cents to make a cent as of 2016. Bet you couldn't stay in business long with a deal like that LOL. Plus that is using zinc, which does not hold up well. I find them metal detecting, and a few years old coin is not even usable unlike the old copper ones.

Check out the history of the per centage of silver in Roman coins as the Empire corrupted and deteriorated.

Everything old is new again lol

That is amazing! I never knew that and just read about it on Wikipedia. Yes its just like here. Pre 1964, our half dollar, quarter and dimes were 90% silver! Now we cant even afford copper lol.

Thanks for the links I'll check them out! Interesting topic to be sure!

yeah war on cash is what has been thrown around for the past few years, I will check it out too :)

In general banks and financial institutions in the United States and around the world have implemented much more strict, invasive policies and capital controls. The US government has also made it very difficult for Americans living abroad or Americans that have foreign assets. As a result many international financial institutions wont work with Americans because of all the restrictions and regulations. Post 911 there have also been increases and I believe adjustments made to SAR and CTR. Suspicious activity report and currency transaction report. I think they may have lowered the threshold to file these reports. This is a much broader issue than "going cashless" it has focused on increased control, regulation, lack of privacy and increase in difficulty to move money. I don't think all of this is nefarious necessarily , I believe certain actions are being taken by banks because they are insolvent and stretched to thin. Large withdrawals put pressure on their fractional reserve lending system. Strict controls also limit bank runs which could become more common in Europe, similar situations as in Greece and Cyprus.

Great insight into the situation @digicrypt. There are a lot of Americans here, I'll have to inquire more about their banking situation and habits. Thanks for the input!

No problem, another good post!

Was not aware you lived in Switzerland. Whereabouts? I lived there as a child. Great to see they are still hanging on to their Swiss Franc. Though sorry to hear about your troubles getting it into the bank.

To answer your questions, the banking system's push towards a cashless society is ultimately about control but what they would really love is 100% visibility, which only a digital system can provide. So no more hiding money under your mattress!

I have spoken to a number of crypto 'experts' who wonder now if Bitcoin hasn't been compromised in some way by the banking system. The powers that be have had a long time and infinite resources to throw at this ever growing thorn in their side.

And you know what they say, if you can't beat them join them!

Only time will tell but it is my feeling that we will eventually see the banks adopting Bitcoin and moving everyone onto it.

But by then they will have their claws in.

Thankfully there are rather a lot of other cryptocurrencies to choose from!

I am in Ticino. Where did you live? You make some very intersting points and yes it is good to have options.

I was in the neighbouring canton of Valais, in a sleepy little village called Champery. Very happy memories from my time there. A wonderful country.

It is planned by the elites and is a mere bother to the masses.

Plus, with fast 3 second block times, all the bureaucrats will be out of a job, with internet magic money efficiency LOL

And I would be so sad for them all. NOT.

Have a nice weekend!!!

Good points @barrydutton. It will be so intersting to see how all of this plays out! You have a great weekend to and I assume that you're a Leafs fan?

I have had a few friends play for the Leafs, guys I played with, trained with, etc.

I don't really follow much in the way of sports anymore, I keep an eye on the Jays and the Raptors locally.

Sports consumed too much of my time since I was 9 yrs old, it became an idol for me, spiritually and since 2009 as an activist, I needed to wake up LOL

The struggle is real.

Hit 69 rep just now finally too after like years stuck at 68 LOL

  • but in years prior, I was a HUGE Leafs fan. I got sick of mgm't collecting all the money and never putting a winner on the ice.

Yes for sure sports can be a big distraction. I asked because I saw one of your videos where you mentioned that you supported the local team. The Generals?

I would say I have been quite a supporter of them LOL.

We won the Memorial Cup a couple years back. The year before I got run over. I was a season ticket holder locally.

Car ran me over, have not been to a game since.

May do a post or 2 on them.

Did Bobby Orr play for them?

Sorry, life got in the way of my Steemit friends and work lol.

yes he did.

I have explained that part of the story in some detail to our friend @richq11 -- who loves Bobby Orr.

Bobby lived in a house here when he was 14 yrs old, played for the team, about a 2 min drive from my property

I was actually 1 block over tonite, on Burk St. -- with someone, who tries to get me out of the house once in awhile w my injuries.

I always enjoy chatting this stuff.

I had several buddies, actually play for the team, I played with and hung out with back in the say.

I keep forgetting you told me you lived in Canada for a bit, LOL. And sort of near me to boot.

I spent my first 35 years in Etobicoke and I saw Bobby Orr live at MLG!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Oh yeah; the banks are going to go cashless alright :)

It is called Bitcoin ;)

Only " catch " for the ' banks ',

Bitcoin does NOT include them LOL ! ! !

POOR Banks; ' they ' are Dinousaurs and they never even saw the Asteroid Bitcoin ' land ' :)

[email protected]

Welcome to the " Revolution " . . .

Bitcoin the INTERNET of Money ;)

" Banks " 'tomorrows'' Archeology :)

hugz / / /

Your comment looks and reads like very good poetry!

Thank you online friend . . .

The " banks " ' destroyed ' a lot of lives during 2007 till 2009 and beyond...

I am not sure if this is poetry, but I indeed hope it is prophetic ! ! !

Payback is a bwitch and I intend to do my little tiny part to rein fire and brimstone down on their scummy little heads . . .

These ' animals ' are not people, these animals are " humans " ; but not all humans are people, some humans are animals.

I intend to do my best to ensure these animals get to RIP forever and Forever ! ! !

The French had an awesome way of dealing with similar problems about 200 years ago and solved it really easily . . .

Time for some new age novel solutions to age old problems :)

Welcome to the Revolution ;)

/ hugz . . .

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

A bank that doesn't accept cash sounds crazy and what is up with the suspected of being a US National? There are so many dystopic references in this post that it is absurd.

What country is this?

I'm in Switzerland. I am not a US national but they suspected me of being one and most banks here will no longer accept USA citizens because of the USA's demand to disclose to them all information on accounts.

Not accepting cash is another new development as of a short time ago.

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Please check your wallet!

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They want to digitize money, but not in the same way that we do. They want to do the whole implant/microchip thing so people get scanned and cash becomes obsolete...It's the Mark of the Beast I tell ya!!! If you don't have the mark, you cannot buy and sell!

Yes well I have watched Aaron Russo's interview concerning Rockefeller. Interesting!

Aaron was a good man. He did a great video about the income tax, how there's no law saying that you have to pay it, but you go to jail if you don't.

What the heck is their current game. A bank not accepting cash is like a restaurant not serving food! There is definitely some skullduggery afoot!

Yes well the times they are a changing. I'm glad to have my foot in the crypto door even though I'm an Old Dog!

Oh boy oh boy I know exactly what you mean. Its rejuvenated this old scottish dog!!

The Illuminati can't siphon off "service fees" from cash transactions. Can you imagine if you got 1% of every transaction in the world?

That sounds like a good business!!!

Maybe this is an option?

Things are moving quickly. Thanks @freebirnangel!

Banks ............. in bulgaria most of them suks !

It seems to be a world wide phenomenon!

I have so much to learn about bitcoin. It is like Greek to me.

We are from a different generation! Check out this video that another Steemer uploaded it simplifies things!

We are almost entirely out of the banking system. It really feels good.

Great work @hilarski! I'm right behind you!

Why exactly do the banks want to go cashless?
As long as there is cash money the banks cannot easily impose negative interests, because then people would simply withdraw their money from the bank accounts. But as soon as there is only virtual money anymore, the banks (and states) have full control over the money: there will be no more way to escape from negative interests.
In addition the state can instruct the banks to freeze all your money immediately - that would strengthen the power of states, governments and banks but harm the freedom of the single individual.
Apart from that it won't be possible any longer to "hide" anything from the banks. You can't buy anything anymore without letting your bank know about it...
Is this to our advantage or to exercise more control?
Some payments may become more comfortable and faster, but in my eyes the disadvantages I named above overbalance that.
Wouldn't it be Great to Use Steem to Buy, Sell And Make Payments?
Crypto currencies like bitcoin and others (and of course I hope steem, too) could play a very important role in case cash money has been eliminated one day. They combine the advantage of being fast and easy to use, but at the same time guarantee the freedom (and independence from the banks) of the individual.
I fear that banks and governments will try to suppress a mass adoption of crypto currencies and possibly will try to forbid it. Nevertheless I hope they will not be able to stop the "trimphal march" of this new kind of "money". :)

Thanks for your great, detailed comments. It's always nice to read what other people are thinking in this regard.