New family

in cat •  7 years ago  (edited)

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

Good afternoon steemit friends wherever you are, hopefully we are all given the health of safety and happiness in this day ..
On this occasion I will write
My story relation yesterday around
the birth of a baby cat

Sekarang anaknya sudah lahir semua dan total anaknya empat ekor, kami perkirakan diantara empat ekor anak kucing ini dua jantan dan dua betina, hehehe.. semoga saja..

Now that his son is all born and his total four children, we estimate that between these four kittens two males and two females, hehehe .. hopefully


Mereka belum mandiri, masih memerlukan bantuan tangan kami untuk mencari air susu ibunya dikarenakan lebatnya bulu dibagian perut ibunya,

They are not independent yet, still need the help of our hands to find his mother's milk due to the thickness of the hair on her mother's stomach


Dan kami susun satu persatu di perut ibunya agar mereka mendapatkan jatah susu yang cukup dan mempercepat pertumbuhannya.

And we arrange one by one in the mother's belly so they get enough milk ration and accelerate its growth.



Ngomong-ngomong sampai sekarang kami belum memberikan nama kepada keluarga baru kami ini.. adakah yang mau membantu memberikan nama kepada kucing kami ini.. silahkan komentar di bawah ini kami tunggu ya..

By the way until now we have not given the name to our new family .. is anyone willing to help give the name to our cat this .. please comment below we wait..


Trimakasih saya ucapkan kepada sahabat steemians yang sudah meluangkan waktu berkunjung ke blog saya..

Kritik dan saran yang membangun, saya sangat menunggu..

Thanks to my steemians friends who have taken time to visit my blog ..

Criticism and constructive suggestions, I am very waiting


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kapaloe mie ong lagoe


Pecinta kucing. Keren

Trimkasih.. suka melihara kucing.. dan kucing ini katanya bisa menghasilkan... 😁😁😁

Nyan neubie keulon sineuk beuh, sinyak lon galak kucing...