The world's biggest cat "Ludu"

in cat •  7 years ago 


Due to the serious appearance, many people had a different identity, Tabati Bundesen's pet cat, resident of Arizona, USA. In 2012, after a serious and angry picture of the cat spread through social media, it was recognized by the 'tempered cat'. Cats get great popularity online. Currently there are 14.20 lakh followers on Twitter, 24 lakh followers of Instagram and 90 million likes on Facebook. Because of that popularity, many companies have been offered an advertisement model. Finally, Grenade Bayreaves LLC contracted with. But Grenade Beverage Company used to advertise some pictures of the cat outside of the contract, its owner

Cuts owner Bundesen goes to the court on the matter The cottage won $ 7,71,000 in compensation for a copyrighted copy of the use of pictures without permission and without permission. But after getting so much compensation in the case against such a large organization, the smiling face does not smell the cat. No comments were found, some photos have been published through social media.

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Cats who fall five stories have a 90 percent survival rate

Thank you for the comment @sultanmr

There are approximately 100 breeds of cat.
