[How-To Series # 12] 3 Ways/Methods To Discipline Your Cats!

in cat •  7 years ago  (edited)

Learn How To Discipline Your Cats!

I love cats because they are adorable, cute, innocent and beautiful creation. I am planning to adopt one kitty soon. I've had around 4 kittens before and I really enjoyed my time with them but the major problem I faced with my first kitty was her manners because I didn't care enough about that and rather decided to enjoy whatever she did in front of me.

But I can tell you that teaching the good manners to your cat is not an easier task but at the same time, it is not something that you should ignore because of its importance otherwise you might regret in future when your cat misbehaves with you in front of others, eat your food or pee at the center of your room. It will be annoying!

Therefore, the best thing to do is to teach your cat some manners from the time you adopt him/her. Though it completely depends on the type of cat you're buying/adopting. If you're buying/adopting an old cat who is already disciplined then you'd not have to worry much about his behavior but if you're adopting a kitty, then you need to follow the right methods to teach manners to your cat successfully.

Image Credits: Tridanim

In this post, I am going to share 3 simple but great methods to teach manners to your kittens. Yeah, it might not make you feel good to control the actions of your kitty but believe me, you must do that right now or you'll regret in the future. So, let's start discussing those methods.

1- Identify her bad manners and punish her for that:

Punishments? Oh not really, just need to show that you're not happy with her action, but no beatings dude!

Well, it happens a lot that your kitty start eating from your bowl or start yelling at you while you're sleeping. If the kitten is very young like 2 months old, then there should be no punishments for expressing your anger. But if the kitten is older than that, then the best method is to take and throw him/her to another room and let her live alone for a while. You know better how much time your kitten can bear alone, don't go too far. As soon as you finish eating the food, take her back with you.

This will make him/her remember that you didn't like his manner and that's why you threw him/her to another room to live alone. After taking him/her back, give some love to him/her to make her feel the difference between anger and love.

2- Rewards for good behavior:

If you punish on misbehaving, then you should also reward on his/her good behavior. When you see that your cat is no longer disturbing you during your meal time then consider gifting him/her something as a reward. You know better about the food that your cat loves, so give a little bit her favorite food.

Another option is to play with her after you finish your meal. That's to make him/her feel friendly with you. You need to make sure that your cat doesn't start to hate you because after all, these are cats, not dogs. Dogs are loyal enough and they do everything to keep their owners happy. But the matter is different with cats. They are sensitive, need proper care and attention, more like a kid than an animal.

I used to play with my cat using ropes. I used to throw a bunch of ropes on him and used to push it back. He used to hold the rope and try to stretch it to his side. That moment was awesome when I noticed his crawl during the rope stretching. So, you can do the same.

3- Keep your related shirts with her while you're away:

The cats often poop or pee on beds and man, it's not good. I wouldn't like to sleep on the bed if I come to know that the cat pooped on it, it would make me mad. It often happens when you go away from your home for a day or two and left your cat alone. In order to maintain her feelings, she will try to sit where you sit the most. This is a cute, innocent and normal behavior of cats.

So, you know better about the place where you sit most. So make sure to leave a tray or a big shirt or cloth with a plastic cover to make sure that if she pees at your bed/place, it doesn't get below the cover. The simplest method is to take your kitten with you but if you can't do that, at-least setup a tray or cloth with big plastic cover there.

Throwing her away from you sounds harsh but if you want your kitten to not repeat the same act again in the future, then you must do that. Yeah, I won't willingly do that with my cat because I really love her but I would have to do that unwillingly to make sure that she learns the right lesson at her young age.

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Nice really needed this

Those are really nice tips on teaching and training a kitty. I too am thinking of getting one soon.

I came because of the pictures of those cuties. Lovely post.


The ancestor of all domestic cats is the African Wild Cat which still exists today.

Cats and kittens should be acquired in pairs whenever possible as cat families interact best in pairs.

hmmm that's really nice article i should say :) followed you and also upvoted and resteemed. For sure i will test it on mu little monster here https://steemit.com/mouse/@vicky-vick/too-many-mouses-in-the-house-d

Great advice! I’ve never been able to discipline my cats! They’re way too smart for that!!! You can check out my fur babies:

Well written. I am a cat owner and this article is very interesting!

They are so adorable, but i'm scared of cats tho. Lol
Like i can admire them on tv screens and phones, but if i see one, i'll run away
