Cat Devil 03

in cat •  7 years ago 

Sinister black cat

In my father's lab, the enclosed instruments were all turned on. Chen Wei wearing fat father's white coat, with a nervous and excited mood to do the experiment.

Corner of a rectangular glass tank filled with orange liquid,
The shadow floats in the liquid and the color becomes deeper. The bright part of the body is more, and his life shows signs of recovery.

This is the power of orange liquid, Chen Wei saw his father invented this new syrup, can make people strangely rejuvenate half an hour. The most successful experiment was to put a fur monkey almost out of the light into it, when removed, it turned into a hairy monkey. Sadly, in just a few dozen minutes, the old monkeys recovered and became older than before.

This medicine is currently no more practical value, at best, can be used to rescue critically ill patients, to extend some of the rescue time. It now took a very rare half hour for the shadow, shaking slightly in the yellow liquid, as if to make a low moan.
"Hey! How do you feel?" Chen Wei North Korea shouted glass jar.

No answer, he seems to be still in a coma.

Chen Wei decided not to wait, he hesitated to look at the middle of the room
Cylinder, a little not sure, my father set of laboratory equipment in the laboratory closed
For nearly a year, is it still sensitive?

"Meow - meow -" came out of the metal cylinder black cat's call,
It has been impatient to stay inside. Chen Wei no longer hesitated, he gently press the manipulator button, the cylinder immediately spin up, release - circle of colored halo.

Chen Wei palms sweat, nervously watching, he is the first time
Manipulation of this machine, I really do not know what will happen unexpected results.

The faster the cylinder whirling, the color aura together - a dazzling white halo.

Finally, with a burst of "beep" noise, the lid above the metal cylinder cracked a slit and a mass of blue smoke drifted from the cylinder into the air.

That is a shadow! - Cat's blue shadow, shaking soft body, in the air gently dangling!
Success! Chen Wei long sigh, carefully removed from the glass cylinder thin body of the cat, it is soft, creamy and greasy, Ruo if I, like a very thin jellyfish skin, and Like a pool of water

"Hey, do you wake up?" Chen Wei again - loudly asked, fingers involuntarily pinch a bit.

The shadow was probably hit the pain, the body twitch slightly, then become more soft. It seems that only explained to him after finishing. Drum also issued a "beep" sound, Chen Wei shadow from the open gap into the cylinder. The cylinder closed and swirled quickly.

The shadow of the cat still floating above it, again and again - lower down near the cylinder, want to get into it, but the color ring emitted by the cylinder time and again top up, embarrassed floating in the ceiling.

Cylinder stopped rotating, the cylinder wall to open automatically to all sides, - only black cat stand in full swing, the whole body shiny black hair, a pair of yellow eyes shine bright a
"What is this place?" The black cat's eyes glowed in a confusion, turning his head to look around. "I've been here before, ah, remember, this is where my shadow separates from my body, Is it just a dream in the past? I feel my form is no longer as floating as in the past, I must have returned to my body, it was pleasantly shouting with a human voice, and then involuntarily from his mouth Make a loud cat call.

"What's going on, how can I send a cat's voice?" Black cat zhengzhu.
"You listen to me explain." Chen Wei a little bit nervous.

"Give me a mirror, give me a mirror!" The black cat has seen the hair on his body.
It panic jump, jump to the wall next to the mirror, the mirror is
A magnificent big black cat.

"My God, how did I become a cat?" It shivers a little, and then begins to jump wildly, grabbing his face, pulling the hair of his body and making a painful call in his mouth. "This is not my body! I'm not a cat !I am human!"
Black cat with body violently hit the mirror on the wall, "orbital when!" Mirror broken, the glass scattered from it, it was lying exhausted in the middle of the broken glass, motionless.

"You listen to me." Chen Wei red face sorry looking at the black cat, "My father, I know all about, I sympathize with you, I thought ... Just because at that time, your shadow color has become very Dim, your life is coming to an end, so I have to temporarily attach your soul to a cat
Body, let you continue to live, so I developed a new body, and then your soul transplant. "
Black cat motionless, staring at hatred of the eyes, staring at the cylinder that makes it lose the right to life, coldly, jaw-dropping: "Enough!
Your father lied to me, you lie to me, make me a shadow from the people, but also from the shadow into a cat! "Black cat shyly smile, trembling with a smile," cats will bite, I want to tooth, I want you to taste the taste of what is the taste! Ha ha ha ha! "
Chen Wei listened to the heart cool, stupid want to explain. Black cat stared at him fiercely, jumped out from the roof skylight.

For several days, black cat out at night, dawn back. Chen Wei found that it was silent all the time, never said - words, as if the humpback short-eared nerve did not go into its body like.

Maybe that shadow is dead, or a mutation has occurred in the cat's body, completely losing the human mind and language function? Chen Wei secretly observed, this black cat is almost like an ordinary lazy cat, lying on the sofa during the day or the desk below, only to eat when it came out to lick the milk in the plate, eat Chen Wei in the bowl Buns and dried fish, go to bed at night to catch the mouse or quietly slipped outside, until dawn came back.

This afternoon, Chen Wei saw a very moving picture: his seven-year-old brother was teasing a black cat, his brother tied a gray yarn ball to one end of the rope, and the other held it in his hand. The gray ball of yarn was on Jumping on the floor, black cat fluttering with the tail, from time to time issued a "meow" cry, the sound with a relaxed and happy. In recent days, Chen Wei heard it for the first time.

"Poof!" Black cat flocked to the ball sensitively.

"Great, you're awesome!" My brother smiled happily and took it from his pocket
A small smoked fish lost in the past.
Black cat picked up the dried fish, chew grumble. My brother patted the head of the black cat affectionately, shaking back the gray ball again.

See this scene, Chen Wei a little excited, his brother stronger than he, he tried his best, did not reach an understanding with this black cat, and a short day, brother and black cat so harmonious and intimate.
Chen Wei quietly stepped back out, he did not have the heart to disturb the two play a happy partner. Happy to see the black cat, Chen Wei heart feel relaxed.

Chen Wei in the study finishing his father's notes, he was determined to study the synthesis of new human body. Maybe the humpback dwarf soul does not exist at all, maybe he can not study at all, but he will try his best to study.

In the next room came the cry of his brother and black cat. Chen Wei listened to his heart. He could not help but close the book, left the desk, gently walked to the door and looked in the doorway.

Pursuit of the ball game is still going on, more enthusiastic than the beginning more interesting. His brother was lying on the floor, his eyes staring at the black cat, deliberately imitating the action of the black cat, and from time to time his body curled up on the floor, sometimes jumping into the air, and "boom" soon fell to the floor, trying to seize the black cat Tail. However, the black cat was more agile than him. After a sudden jump, his claws shrank and stretched. Cat caught the younger brother's trousers, and "thorn" soon opened a big hole.
Chen Wei found his brother's two legs have been dragged into pieces one by one, and he was a little worried that this game a bit dangerous, he did not know his brother's leg scratched cat did not, he wanted to go in to stop them.

"Meow!" The black cat shouted happily, leaping into the air.
"Meow!" Brother also cheerfully shouted, jumping higher, it seems a little afraid not hurt.
Brother just naughty, no danger, Chen Wei returned to the desk next to see his father's note. In a moment, he fell into deep thought.
"Chen Wei, Come!" Mom urgently called at the door, with a bit of panic in her voice.
"What's the matter?" "Your brother and cat are catching a thing, making the whole body is earth!" "Oh, all right." Chen Wei sigh of relief, "he and the black cat chasing the ball play it!" It's not a line ball! The thing is moving! That thing is definitely alive, and it's going to call it! "Mom was pale.
Really, his brother covered with soil, is lying on the ground, chasing a cat with a gray thing, turned out to be a mouse! The rat squeaked wildly, but again and again by his brother or black cat on the floor.
"Brother!" Chen Wei shouted, his brother invariably turned with the black cat, the mouse took the opportunity to flee.

"How do you catch that dirty mouse!" Mom reprimanded his younger brother.

"Hee hee, fun!" My brother smiled teeth, his face and arms have a bloodstain.
Chen Wei found his brother's eyes a bit strange, flashing bright yellow light.
"What's wrong with your eyes?" He pulled his hand in dismay.

Agile brother, like a cat slipped open, mouth inexplicable
Mumble: "Eyes are eyes, cats and human eyes are the same."
Night, Chen Wei could not sleep in bed, his heart was very disturbed.
I do not know why, has always been timid brother to sleep alone - a room, now he is doing?
Chen Wei looking at the dark ceiling, eyes always emerge out of his weird eyes, the night, the eyes of his pupil was actually a thin yellow line.

This vision seems to have seen where, suddenly, Chen Wei understand that it is the cat's vision! Cat's eyes in the dark is such a vision!
Cat? My brother's eyes actually like a cat? Chen Wei suddenly felt the situation is not good, he began to regret to let his brother and the cat in - together. Tomorrow, yeah, leave them tomorrow, take the black cat to the lab.

"Meow!" A cat called in the quiet night sky is particularly clear.
"Meow!" The cat called the second tone in the same tone.
Early the next morning, Chen Wei pushed the door of his brother's bedroom and saw his brother and cat close together, sleeping on the floor, curling up his body and sleeping soundly.
"He even looks like a cat to sleep!" Chen Wei panic thought.
He walked gently, want to wake up brother.蓦 to Chen Wei's heart 怦
Pegasus jumped up, he almost did not believe his eyes, his brother's lips have a touch of dazzling red blood, is dirty blood stained with wisps of white hair!
How is this going? What a terrible thing happened! Chen Wei pick up the black cat, went to the outer house, put it on a chair, sitting face to face with it.

"I know you're in pain," Chen Wei said to the black cat.

Black cat quietly looked at him.

"I know you feel very bad when the cat, I really sympathize with you.

You have a grudge to vent to me, but please do not hurt my brother, because he is innocent. Chen Wei said sincerely.

Black cat lying on a chair, silent, just use a gloomy eye
Light, winking Chen Wei.

This eye Chen Wei feel very awkward, but he still gently asked:
"Tell me, what is the blood of my brother's mouth?"
Black cat's eyes reveal a bright yellow line, Shining flashing, well
Like a cold flame, it still does not sound.
Chen Wei no longer hesitate, he grabbed the black cat's back, put it into it
The prepared cage, carrying the cage downstairs. Downstairs in the aisle, he ran into a neighbors in the back of the building - a fat granny. Granny face depressed, carrying a bloody death of a rabbit.

"What's wrong?" Chen asked uneasily.

"This rabbit I do not know what was biting dead, like a weasel, even the throat bite wear, this damn!" The old lady cursed sadly.

Chen Wei quickly turned to speed up the pace. .
He came to the backyard, where the old men at the building watch the night. Old man
Child alone, quite like cats and dogs, Chen Wei iron cage on it
Children, please take care of him for two days old man, regular feeding some food and water, but -
Thousands do not let it come out.

That night, Chen Wei lying in bed, the moon outside the window is particularly bright, the mottled shadows sprinkled on the bed rail, sprinkled on the floor. Night, quiet, only the whirring of the night wind.

Suddenly, "meow -" vocally, Chen Weixu to sit up from the bed.

"Damn!" He cursed softly, he obviously witnessed the vigil locked the cat cage lock, but the black cat actually ran out again
Brother called out the window.

"Meow -" That cat repeated the second sound.

Chen Wei jumped out of bed, barefoot, close to the wall, quietly ran to his brother's room.

Door open, from the open gap, Chen Wei saw his younger brother shrink into a ball, lying in bed, head high, staring at the window, outside the glass window, there are two phosphor-fire eyes, clear cold moonlight on the glass Draw a black cat's shadow.

Black cat called.

"Meow!" My brother also shouted at the black cat.

what! This second sound is called by my brother!
Chen Wei could not help but hit a cold war, is brother into a cat? "Meow!"
"Meow!" My brother echoes excitedly with the black cat, suddenly fell under the body - 蹿, quietly fell to the floor. He crawled on his limbs and walked faster than his legs.

He ran to the corner and stood up straight, his hand into the goldfish on the triangular bracket.

  • Chen "Crashing" water ring, he grabbed a goldfish from the goldfish bowl, held in midair, looked up, suddenly put his mouth, "creak
    Creak "to chew up.

"Meow meow!" Black cat out the window called worse.

My brother was injected with stimulants and both hands reached into the aquarium.
"Brother!" Chen Wei shouted rushed into it.

Back to his younger brother, Chen Wei saw a pair of green fluorescent strange terrible eyes.

"Ah -" My brother stoed his teeth and shouted coldly. "Calling" went to Chen Wei and Chen Wei involuntarily went to the side - flash, his brother's figure slid over him. When he came to his senses, his younger brother had disappeared in the darkness.

Finally, Chen Wei is the younger brother in the iron cage of the vigil
of. My brother is covered in soil, lying like a coyote inside the cage, eyes condensate
Not moving, half a fish in his mouth. Cage doors open, black cats not seen
, And watch the old man panicked in the cage next to see Chen Wei panic
Zhang said: "In the morning when I came, I saw your brother in it. As soon as I got close, he grabbed and bitten."
"How did that black cat come out?"
Watching the old man blush, stammered: "If you encounter a cat suddenly talk and chat with you, what would you do? Will it be kept in the cage it?" He muttered confused, "Where did you get this cat that speaks only human words?" Chen Wei said in a blank voice: "It's not a cat, it's ... I must find it!"

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At 4 weeks, it is important to play with kittens so that they do not develope a fear of people.