
in cat •  7 years ago 

As many of you loved seeing our cutest little cat Ponyo in my first post I thought I would introduce her properly! We got Ponyo around 7 and a half years ago. She came from an ally cat and was the only fluffy one in the litter! I can only assume that Ponyo's mother must have come across a handsome Maine Coon!



This was her first evening at our house, we couldn't resist playing with her! She would try and attack us with her tiny claws and teeth, with not much luck!



This is Ponyo now, fully grown into the beautiful long haired, green eyed cat! She has a personality all to her own. She absolutely plays up to the camera, we try to distract her with fir cones but really she is the boss so if she isn't in the mood, she's not in the mood!!



I can't wait to share more of Ponyo's adventures ( although she is an indoor cat ! ) she has her own adventures in her own special way!


I hope you all enjoyed the post!
Verity x

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She is beautiful , :) 🐈

Thank you so much, I will make sure I pass it on to her hehe!

:))) haha ,,
also i have 4 cats , but outdoor.
Short hair , :-))

Awww I would love to see them! We have one other that’s an outdoor rescue cat! Would have more if I could! :)

Oh ,, i see , also i would have them inside if i could :) , <3

Yes sometimes cats are meant to be outdoors, Ponyo on the other hand hates it and much prefers the comforts of inside!

Its complicated to understand them , :-)
But sometimes im worry about cold weather outside ,

Its Nice to meet you, followed .. :-)

You too, I’ve followed back :)