How old is your cat?

in cat •  8 years ago  (edited)

Hello Readers

How old is your cat? My cat mindey is 20years old :) I was just wondering if anyone else's cat is 20 or older?
I read a story about a cat making it to 38.
Please share your story in the comments and photos would be awesome <3

Meet mindey :)she's a big softie,Bless her



I posted some photos of her daughter bluebell and the story of here tail :/ Bluebell is 17 :)

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I'll never know the age of my cat, she showed up about 4 years ago, more dead than alive, she'd been out in the wild, her jaw is sideways from something that bit her. I didn't have cat food but she ate about 3 cans of tuna. the weirdest thing is she didn't sleep, like most cats, she'd been use to searching for food or fighting off critters. She's now a great cat, happy a little fat and sleeps all day as all cats should...Hope Mindey lives a long(er) life, but looks like she's enjoying life and may not want it to end!!

Wow I'm so glad she found you, Thats an awesome story, You should do a blog about her <3 and Thanks for your sweet comment :)

@warrenvee - She is very luckiest cat so far. Hope she will live longer than the usual cats. God bless her.

Aww big thank you, she means so much to me. Everytime I go out and come back she meows at me till i hold her :)

@warrenvee he cute. (sorry i can't vote my power steem limit)

Thanks bud and it's ok :)


<3 Thank's

is it real????!!!!
she must be 300 years old if she is human!!

she is 20 in human years, I have known her over half my life :)

Do you mean cat years? Isn't it 25 years for the first two years, and 4 for each year after that? That means Mindey is 97. Pretty awesome.

yeah I mean cat years!!! hahahah(wrote 300 years just to exaggerate : D)

One of my cats turned 18! Than she meet a car. Now, I´ve a new one.

Thanks for sharing. Follow.

aww Sorry to hear this :/ our first cat tinkerbell was 20 and she went out and never returned so I feel you there <3

I see. Sorry for tinkerbell. It took us about 10 years to get another cat, just because of being afraid she might be killed also. But, so far, we are very happy. Cats enrich your life, they really do.