
in categorization •  2 years ago  (edited)

Profilecism, Profilingcism.



Lism. {Like "List" and "Lism", reading er or writing.. Grammar needs to do better than cross-and-strike-through "I" errors to a "T", even if that looks like a math sign it sounds like a violent grammar/punctuation standard.}

Listencism, Listcism. [if/list , if/listen ; example:Racism]

Linguicism ( ,, Linguism, v. Language v "Language" VS "LANGUAGE".

Original Reference: (2014.09.25) (2014.10.06) (2014.09.30) (2014.04.21) (2014.09.25) + (2014.09.25)

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  ·  2 years ago (edited)
  1. Security is NOT "obscurity".

    Linguistic Security is NOT Linguistic Obscurity.

  2. "Ontological Security" is NOT Ontological Obscurity.

    Ontological Security is NOT Ontological Obscurity.

  ·  2 years ago (edited)
  1. Versus "Security Through Obscurity" So for my first voice herein (herein whereas legal parlance/speak I determine is good warning before after my next comma punctuation mark) writing, I am talking to "Computer Science" majors with my reference, in case that is not part of your training now you know and learned from me first.

    (Should I write (Markdown Strikethrough format with double-approximation sign makes it crossed through) in such vein? [That might pain some coders, and make some people have difficulty, in that format, reading.])

  2. Versus "Ontological Security" For my second voice, I am talking (well, listening for my turn to talk, because dad rules when I was age 5-13 are that "within reason" (quoting their words vebatim) "50% of the time is for each of us to talk", and we do not try goin' to 51%, personally I aimed for exactly 49% total talking time when I was 11 years old, we count letters as we put our left foot before our right foot you know, it's in our magical DNA blood powers from making spells, curses to fight my mother when my other parent became a monster we would not dare say they're a human being obviously, clearly we took sides) to my civilian military engineer parent about serious thousand-year outcomes and realistic intelligence trajectories, err, sorry, maybe some abusage military language usage: (Okay we were arguing, I asked them to stop talking with ontological supremicism as their goal, maybe you can tell sorry.)

  ·  last year (edited)

I turned 18 in 2005 and became a target for attention solely because of my biological age turning 18.


I turned 18 in 2005 and became a target (and surely fun target practice, for psuedoclassified algorithms n' analysts who lovingly profiled my hundreds of profiles starting in ~1997 when I was age 10) attention solely because of my biological age turning 18.

Only ~2 weeks after I turned 18, I had a family meeting with law enforcement (I called my local jurisdiction who said there was not a police report filed, I hope/believe PRISM has a record) called upon me with their gun holsters in hand only to watch them walk away silent when I did not speak for their surprise appearance, which my father took as a sign to make a change now motivated by my mother calling the police, as a family idea to subsidize me moving out immediately, and rather politely through I got referred to live literally across the street from the National Zoo with for $500/month on their floor under a table as my first independent adult housing, and I aim to evidate or make evident, how school/police profiling led me to move, and go there, as a suggestion to go there, and how I wrote about meanings for / at in some seriousness and some gest I suggest, whereas is in reference to hateful name-calling period.

Timing is everything for somepeople sometimes so I figure a Hollyween I mean Hollowood jeez arg I meant Holloween timed post about a "6" on a "3" day in terms of me turning "18", is fluent sixspeak, sorry I mean fluent hexspeak. :\ :| :/ :∫

I think there was a record.

Good G-d Google+ had (I remember I tried explaining at pain encountering data technical stability difficulties, I write this the day of the anniversary of the psychological cilling (that does not cause death, that causes psychological death instead, is not killing persay, is still loss of life data) of Google's Google+, timed as a funny tangential series of Press Release stunts targetting specifically the act of rushingly forgetting the data, six (6) years ago officially.

Goog-d does not remember that "eDiscovery" ( has me identifying|testifying|reporting in innumerable Trauma Support Groups about my C-PTSD flashbacks with numerous mainly USA psychologists/therapists while I was in Canada and America because "unprofitable users only had the attention to read for 5 seconds", well in that 5 seconds I typed 20 letters and hit this button to permanently record me repeating the word "TRAUMA" to licenced clincal professionals.

google+ sunset date exact - Google Search (
    google+ shut nyt - Google Search (
        Google Plus Will Be Shut Down After User Information Was Exposed - The New York Times (
            Project Strobe: Protecting your data, improving our third-party APIs, and sunsetting consumer Google+ (
                Oct 08, 2018 6 min read - Google Search (
                    Expediting changes to Google+ (
                    Data Privacy Day: seven ways we protect your privacy (
                    HHRG-117-IF16-Wstate-PichaiS-20210325-SD004.pdf (
                        google+ shut nyt Oct 08, 2018 6 min read - Google Search (
                            Google reportedly hid Google+ security bug | CNN Business (
                            Google+ to shut down after coverup of data-exposing bug | TechCrunch (
                            Google+ Shuts Down Over Breach as Google Offers New Privacy Features | WIRED (
            Google Exposed User Data, Feared Repercussions of Disclosing to Public - WSJ (

Lord and law enforcement is still countering me about (the hidden language of) G+. If law enforcement has better data and remembers data not in eDiscovery I must say that jars me in terms of police accountality and general social stability, given a world where social issues are memory issues too. Dare I say that user interface cops out on intel we share automatically ourselves in the nearly clerical and clincal language we call small talk about ourselves, this thing is big talk when we call it A.I. (Artificial Intelligence and Robotics) when it' Emotional Intelligence I wrote "Trauma" and the problem is a social-memory issue of record.

I thought there was a record(?).